Considering how much Monde has struggled (in terms of sale, no matter how you cut it, its been slow) I can only predict a really slow build out here unfortunately.
Considering how much Monde has struggled (in terms of sale, no matter how you cut it, its been slow) I can only predict a really slow build out here unfortunately.

On the other hand there could be an inflexion point where people sense critical mass is occuring and want to get on board.
Maybe but it'll be a while until we reach that I think ... I think sales will indeed be slow for the first 5 years (maybe even a decade) .. I'm not even basing this on the LRT (or lack their of) I don't think that's as much of a factor as some make it out to be (not for retail / residential at least).

Commercial will struggle more without it; This could factor in as well indirectly, i.e. if the commercial were to go ahead (I doubt it, they'll struggle with leasing i.e. the 2 X 200K buildings) it would help the residential.
I really think that Bayside should have launched well ahead of Monde. Don't get me wrong, I love Monde's design and height and it's one of my favorites, but it's just a little ahead of the times down here.

With Corus, GB, and Sherbourne Common all complete...just continuing building east and right on the waterfront makes more sense, initially. Get Bayside built first. I think the sales are going to be better than Monde because of being right on the water. The views are kinda cool with the leafy Islands and the industrial port lands, if you are into that sort of thing, like me lol.
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I think Bayside sales will be stronger than Mondes as well. Afterall the water view units at Monde sold well and since Bayside appears to have to higher percentage of water view units, sales should do fine.
Hopefully when Bayside launches they will disclose if any major retailers will be part of the development as that would benefit sales. And maybe Monde should try to lock in an attractive retailer as well to help sales.
I noticed on the weeked that they are building what I guess will be two signs on the Bayside site too.
Probably this Building Application:

Application: Zoning Review Status: Not Started

Location: 261 QUEENS QUAY E

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 13 140022 ZSV 00 ZR Accepted Date: Mar 25, 2013

Project: Multiple-Use Building Sign

Description: To erect and display three ground signs in an Employment (E) sign district, whereas the bylaw allows only two. The proposed hoarding signs will also be larger than the maximum size allowed. **Tridel**
Thanks for the update, AoD. Very exciting!

DSC: What does the **Tridel** mean? This doesn't mean the builder Tridel...
It looks like Hines is partnering with Tridel to deliver the condo portion of Bayside.

Wow partnering up with tridel could be great ! I doubt they'll have much say on the design and that's pretty much set in stone.

So what does the tridel bring ? Investors ! And a whole bunch of them ... I've said it a couple times now, I was imagining sales here are going to be difficult, just go by monde as an example. But this may help !
^ Agreed 1000%. The Mr. Happy's on here just don't see how the masterful marketing team at Tridel will help to get this area actually built.
