Big Daddy, those drawings are copyrighted material and you should know this since its posted all over the SSP database. You can't simply repost or alter them to your desire. I'm surprised UT hasn't adapted a "no source/no photo" policy either considering the many problems other forums have had. (yeah, you can delete this one too)
Great news about the possible extension!! I'm sooo hoping for it because the floor I purchased my unit on is roughly equal - maybe a little higher - then the Delta Chelsea. Can anyone confirm if the new floors will be "slotted" in throughout the building (effectively boosting most unit a little higher)??

Does anyone know the exact height of the delta Chelsea? Maybe I can also check against the Aura design ...

The quotation above doesn't mention new floors for the application for height amendment. It talks about adding height to existing floors. Such as floor height going from 8 to 10 feet per floor. Which would amount to an additional 15-30 feet higher for the 15th floor for example.

The hint at a 90 floor tower would probably imply a whole new design and then all bets are off for people who have already purchased.
I doubt that they will release a completely new tower for the 90 storey building after they've started site prep for the current design. At the maximum, i expect increased floor heights and an addition of roughly 5 floors to a total of ~305 m.
anyways, i was talking to a couple of suburb type architects at a meeting this afternoon. we exchange business cards and stuff when one of them gives me his 'graziani + corazza' card.

i mention to him about how lovely those two first College Park buildings are (lol) and ask about the third, Aura. he tells me they are currently applying to the commity of adjustments/board for increased floor hieghts -for a new height of 286 meters! that's taller than trump i says! he says "yes, and so?".
286 meters and they are confident this will get passed -no problem -in about three, four months.

but the more interesting and surprising bit of info was that they also had and still have a 'surprise' proposal of 90 storeys at about 307 meters that had been kind of shelved since 1BE was canned. they say it's still 'up their sleeve' depending on upcoming'the financial climate, etc.' i asked if he would send me a render but said he was unable... -of course, we just met...

these guys are just mid level architects that work in the office so all i have is their word. but they wore suits (with hard hats) and have suitcases!
Somehow I understand from this post that the discussion involves two separate projects. An increase to 286 m for Aura and an entirely unrelated development at 307 m.
AURA - increase in height

I doubt that they will release a completely new tower for the 90 storey building after they've started site prep for the current design. At the maximum, i expect increased floor heights and an addition of roughly 5 floors to a total of ~305 m.

Perhaps, someone could explain, for the benefit of someone who is not familiar with the construction, as to how Canderel will benefit by increasing floor heights of a project that is sold out -- except for a few units on the Executive Floors and penthouse floors. Turning increased height into extra floors and making extra money is understandable.

By the way, the top floor -- 75th -- is still for sale. It is going real cheap -- only $ 17.5 million. And that is Canadian dollars
A height increase would be awesome!.. at 286m it would be Canada's 2nd tallest skyscraper...

A height increase would seriously piss off Mr. Trump... He'll want to add a freakin huge spire to earn his spot at the top!
^I bet the developer would take $8 million in cash for the place. I doubt it's even really worth that. Paying $18 million for a penthouse view in Vancouver--understandable, perhaps, but not as nice as owning a 50,000SF modern mansion in Point Grey or West Van; buying the Aura penthouse with a dreary view of Toronto, then having to share the building with thousands of fellow residents--nuts!
ITs much more dreary in Vancouver than Toronto to be honest, though they definitly have the sea and mountain thing going for them...
Perhaps, someone could explain, for the benefit of someone who is not familiar with the construction, as to how Canderel will benefit by increasing floor heights of a project that is sold out -- except for a few units on the Executive Floors and penthouse floors. Turning increased height into extra floors and making extra money is understandable.

I was thinking that too and wondered the same thing, it doesn't make any economic sense to add height to all those floors that are already sold. What's the benefit to the developer for this massive added cost? None.
As for adding more floors I think Aura is high enough. I'm much more concerned about the design here. With their track record of RoCP 1 & 2 I have concern that we might get stuck with an 800 foot turd in such a prominent location. I'd like to see the emphasis put on the design and quality materials on the podium and tower instead of added height. Yes, I know it went through a design panel but I still worry.
Great podium and nice height on a well designed building, regarding height increases whatever happens-happens...
Im going to sit back for next couple of years and enjoy this one.
^I bet the developer would take $8 million in cash for the place. I doubt it's even really worth that. Paying $18 million for a penthouse view in Vancouver--understandable, perhaps, but not as nice as owning a 50,000SF modern mansion in Point Grey or West Van; buying the Aura penthouse with a dreary view of Toronto, then having to share the building with thousands of fellow residents--nuts!

I guess you like where you live better - good for you - I for one think Toronto has an amzing skyline and would love to have such a view. If Toronto is so distasteful to you, why dont you bolsterthe thread for your favourite city and leave us alone, thanks.
Somehow I understand from this post that the discussion involves two separate projects. An increase to 286 m for Aura and an entirely unrelated development at 307 m.

Yes, that was my interpretation from this post. The 90 floor project sounds like a completely separate project. Not the Aura tower. Could be wrong though.
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