Yes, that was my interpretation from this post. The 90 floor project sounds like a completely separate profect. Not the Aura tower. Could be wrong though.

That's the way I read it entirely new, separate 90 storey project in the pipeline.....
No, it sounded like an even taller version of the current Aura to me. The floor heights precisely match up. The first height increase (from 75 to 85 floors -- as speculated about on this thread for ages) adds 43m (243m to 286m) for 10 floors = 4.3m per floor of additional height. The second height increase is an additional 21m for 5 extra floors = 4.2m per floor. This is within the rounding error of the quoted figures of being exactly the same floor heights for both proposed height increases.

I think that it is incredibly unlikely that a second proposed tower, separate from the proposed Aura, would just happen to be exactly the correct height to fit the Aura floors-to-height ratio. This 307m proposal has to be a taller Aura.
Interesting that we're interpreting that differently. I also read it as a completely separate develeopment from Aura. But I guess we'll have to wait and see. I'm perfectly fine with increased height for Aura, to any height, including surpassing FCP.

I do wonder what they meant by "equivalent of 94 storeys " though.
If this speculation really happens, this will be very bad news: I predict Aura will be known (amongst aesthetic snobs like me) as "Canada's biggest eyesore."

I hate to be a Debbie Downer but I'm worried about this same thing. ROCP 1 & 2 are complete garbage so it's tough to be optimistic about part 3.
No, it sounded like an even taller version of the current Aura to me. The floor heights precisely match up. The first height increase (from 75 to 85 floors -- as speculated about on this thread for ages) adds 43m (243m to 286m) for 10 floors = 4.3m per floor of additional height. The second height increase is an additional 21m for 5 extra floors = 4.2m per floor. This is within the rounding error of the quoted figures of being exactly the same floor heights for both proposed height increases.

Aura is 252 metres so from 75 to 85 is roughly 3 metres per floor.
RoCP is not my style but it's really the materials that make it the eyesore it is. Aura will supposedly have a really nice structural silicone curtain wall at least on the upper part.
Aura is 252 metres so from 75 to 85 is roughly 3 metres per floor.

That height is to the top of the spire. The height I am using is to the top of the roof, at 243m. 286m - 243m = 43m / 10 = 4.3m per floor. I am assuming that these are upper floors being added, with higher than average ceiling heights.

Mind you, I would love it if the 90 floor 307m building were another project, but I think it best to be cautious until more information comes out.
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4.3 metres is incredibly high slab to slab .. higher than just about all the class AAA space on the corner of Bay & King. I don't see why the 286 metres wouldn't include the spire either. These were architects and not city planners.
^I bet the developer would take $8 million in cash for the place. I doubt it's even really worth that. Paying $18 million for a penthouse view in Vancouver--understandable, perhaps, but not as nice as owning a 50,000SF modern mansion in Point Grey or West Van; buying the Aura penthouse with a dreary view of Toronto, then having to share the building with thousands of fellow residents--nuts!
I think two condos have sold in Toronto for twice the amount of the Aura condo. So this is actually bargin priced here. Vancouver still has a way to go before it gets into the bigtime, and as mountains and pot will only get you so far. Tripe that for Bruce, although they do have the added benefit of having the worlds largest nuclear plant.
For the moment, yes. Although if the Darlington new build project goes ahead, it will add about 4.8 GW to the existing 3.512 GW for a total of 8.312 GW, ahead of the Japanese Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant at 7.965 GW.
ITs much more dreary in Vancouver than Toronto to be honest, though they definitly have the sea and mountain thing going for them...


Van City's a depressing hellhole for most of the year and I don't see what's so special about Vancouver's proximity to the ocean. Lake Ontario seems much bigger than the ocean in Vancouver because there the horizon is interrupted by islands whereas here, it looks like the edge of the world which I find very appealing. Van City's overhyped. What good a view of mountains when they're shrouded in cloud so bloody often?

On topic: Had I the money, I would gladly pay 20mil for a penthouse suite at Aura. The view!!!
Are there any renders from an angle other than from South East?? I actually don't know what Aura looks like from the West!!
