Thanks for the nice pictures, Androiduk and others. I can see history-- and my future home -- being made right in front of my eyes.

Can anyone with construction knowledge tell me as to the purpose of placing blue colour panels on the East side.
^ As long as you promise to take us for a tour of your unit when it's ready. :D

No problem. It's gonna be exciting being on the 59th floor and, for a change, look down upon the world. Around that time, just remind me, when I am sober.
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No problem. It's gonna be exciting being on the 59th floor and, for a change, look down upon the world. Around that time, just remind me, when I am sober.

Well that is the earliest notice I have ever received for a party but it should definitely be fun lol!! What a view you will have. What direction will you be facing?

We will be sure to remind you when sober and then ensure you are sober no longer!

Edit: Also I am looking forward to your questions and the answers provided during the construction process. It is always interesting to learn about what goes into these projects.
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Well that is the earliest notice I have ever received for a party but it should definitely be fun lol!! What a view you will have. What direction will you be facing?

We will be sure to remind you when sober and then ensure you are sober no longer!

Edit: Also I am looking forward to your questions and the answers provided during the construction process. It is always interesting to learn about what goes into these projects.

The entire width of Master Bedroom and living area -- appx 35.3 feet -- will be facing East. 2nd bedroom and den face North.

I will keep on posting questions on this thread if and when any need arises and anyone will be welcome to answer.

By the way, it wouln't take too much to 'drown' me -- half a glass of wine, at the most. Just make sure that I do not fall on the ground.
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No problem. It's gonna be exciting being on the 59th floor and, for a change, look down upon the world. Around that time, just remind me, when I am sober.

59th floor!!! Nice... that's a sweet spot for viewing angles :D!
Application: New Building Status: Not Started

Location: 382 YONGE ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 10 259977 BLD 00 NB Accepted Date: Sep 17, 2010

Project: Apartment Building New Building

Description: PHASE 2 - LOWER TOWER (AURA AT COLLEGE PARK) - Proposal to construct floors 4-54 for new condo over podium (SEE BLD 08 196702). Note - see active BLD permit 08 117483, FSU 10 165868, PODIUM 08 196702, and PHASE 3 (UPPER TOWER). 386 YONGE ST.

Application: New Building Status: Not Started

Location: 388 YONGE ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 10 260004 BLD 00 NB Accepted Date: Sep 17, 2010

Project: Apartment Building New Building

Description: PHASE 3 - UPPER TOWER (AURA AT COLLEGE PARK) - Proposal to construct floors 55-75 for new condo over podium (SEE BLD 08 196702). Note - see active BLD permit 08 117483, FSU 10 165868, PODIUM 08 196702), and PHASE 2 (LOWER TOWER).
^ I'm not sure what that means - are they applying for new permits? Or is this for permits they had not yet received? Because, I’d swear this construction looks to me like it is started.
Each stage of a project requires a seperate permit. Demolition, shoring, foundation, etc. They're applying for their future permits .

So there's still hope hope that they'll be requesting a permit for floors 76 - 95! Yay!

Each stage of a project requires a seperate permit. Demolition, shoring, foundation, etc. They're applying for their future permits .

Any idea as to why Canderel is asking for permits for 2nd and 3rd phases of the project while they are still 'in the hole'? Would appreciate your comments.

It is quite sometime now anyone uploaded latest AURA construction pictures.
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I guess it's a matter of 'why not'. The building is under construction and everything is in place so why not get all your permits now to make sure there are no future delays.
