I guess aquiring those permits would preclude any additional height for Aura as building permits are very expensive and it would be wasteful to get it now if you thought it would change in the next few months.
Aura - Beginning to Rise. September 23, 6:30AM
Thanks for this wonderful shot, Geekaroo.

Please post additional pictures, whenever you can.

Thanks again.
Those are indeed great photos!

I'm curious about the deep digging next to the crane and other already poured structures in the first photo -- wouldn't this threaten the stability of the existing concrete, potentially allowing it to shift?
It is likely that the new pit will be the footing for an elevator bank, and will be one heavy thick slab. Shale is decently strong in compression, and unless the crane was torquing heavily, no failure is likely.
I just went to the webcam. Seccond crane is up now. When did that happen? Things seems to be moving fast.
Thanks for latest photos, androiduk. It is really exciting to see all the activity at AURA site. Funny, I have not seen any trucks bringing concrete to the site. However, the construced part is going up and up with every photo.
