
i could never get over how hack that parking ramp is. it looks so makeshift! (even though it's suppose to be)
Construction seems to be stuck at the current level -- that is 1 level below the ground. Any idea/reasons?
i could never get over how hack that parking ramp is. it looks so makeshift! (even though it's suppose to be)


Steveve, that's not makeshift... That is the permanent ramp that will be incorporated to the structure as it rises around it.

You just insulted all the trades people that designed and built it. I hope you go in disguise when you visit the site next time!

Lordy lord, Mr. Traynor, the ramp DOES look a bit skimpy to be sitting under a 75-storey building. I know it's just appearances and that it's probably as strong as all hell, but the walls look like you could push them over with a limp wrist! :)
the ramp only looks bad cause it's just a huge concrete bunker being suspended by supports above a construction site. but of course when all is said and done, the ramp will look better. but till then, i still say it's hack! lol.
There is supposed to be underground public parking also. I presume, like RoCP, this ramp will also be used by the public.
The first picture shows where the Aura entrance should be (the shadow of the crane on College Park) The exact address?? Yonge?Gerrard?

Nice pictures with the morning sun warming up this new project!
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The exact address?? Yonge?Gerrard?

Triple 4 Yonge Street, I believe.

444 Yonge Street.... Hmmmm... It would be amazing if they sold any of the units to Chinese investors.

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Perhaps that may be the address of the Courthouses after all. It may be 440 Yonge or 434 Yonge....

Actually, I don't really know and I should stop answering.

