Aren't they re-doing part of the park ? It's a bit rundown as well.
Aren't they re-doing part of the park ? It's a bit rundown as well.

Yes, Canderel is supposed to upgrade the park. It was one of the conditions/requirements for allowing 'go ahead' of AURA.

Main entrace to AURA will be from the park side. As such, things should get cleaned up around the time residents start moving in.
June 30




Discounting someone's comment because you think it isn't cool enough? Weird.

At first, I was annoyed because you Fordishly classified pot-smokers as "riff-raff." But I have now realized you were just discreetly giving us the heads-up about potential 420 hook-ups. Sorry! My bad. Thanks for the tip!

Please, save us all from your annoying rants and just move along. Druggies are a bunch of lazy uneducated idiots that nobody likes, so if that's your thing, I think you may be in the minority on this forum. Don't call out other forum members because you don't agree with their opinion and then try to make them seem childish with your cartoon clips. Thanks.
Druggies are a bunch of lazy uneducated idiots that nobody likes...

I don't do drugs personally, pot never really was my thing, but I have many friends who smoke pot and "funny" enough, they are mostly educated, intelligent, interesting people who are well-liked. But I guess that fact doesn't fit into your black-and-white thinking.
I don't do drugs personally, pot never really was my thing, but I have many friends who smoke pot and "funny" enough, they are mostly educated, intelligent, interesting people who are well-liked. But I guess that fact doesn't fit into your black-and-white thinking.

Generalizations are not meant to be applied on an individual basis...

Sure, many of your druggie friends may be intelligent but 1) They are statistically a minority, and 2) They are definitely not living up to their potential or at the very least not benefitting from smoking the ILLEGAL substance. Don't believe me? Go to any educational institute and look for a crowd that smokes pot and a crowd that doesnt. Care to guess which group is much more likely to have better grades?
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Druggies are a bunch of lazy uneducated idiots that nobody likes, so if that's your thing, I think you may be in the minority on this forum.

THIS.. is childish! And has nothing to do with Aura, College Park or development in general.
THIS.. is also ignorant! Some of the biggest, richest celebrities are admitted potheads. There are educators (teachers, profs, etc), CEOs, successful Musicians etc etc etc that smoke weed.

Get over it and back onto Aura at College Park!

Walking by today, I noticed the supports for the first retail level have been removed. Looks a LOT spacier than I originally thought (thank God). What retail is going in?
^Well, two prominent stores will be Kiss Bird and Feel Fish.... Whatever they are.


I love render artists bizarre store names.

Yeah, the park has always been scuzzy. Lots of homeless sleeping on the benches and under trees. Mind you, I've never found it unsafe, just scuzzy.

That park has been terribly neglected for years. Take a close look at the skating pavilion. It's dirty, the paint is chipping and the building is left to rot. Bird shit is all over it. There are bald spots in the grass, all over the park. It's a pretty drab place to be. Even the benches have peeling paint. No park in this city should be allowed to deteriorate to this extent. That park needs a whole new design and a complete overhaul.
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^Well, two prominent stores will be Kiss Bird and Feel Fish.... Whatever they are.


I love render artists bizarre store names.

LMFAO! Fab looks.. well.. Fab!

I miss the old days where retail renders were so obvious like 'Coffee Cafe' or 'Furniture Furnishings'.

Any chance the currently-obscure Metro would relocate here for better street-pressence?
i doubt that metro would relocate. from what i remember, many of the retail store lots were small. the larger lots were given to restaurants like alice fazooli. and didn't bed, bath and beyond buy out the entire 2nd level?
i'm really hoping that we get good retail stores down there to keep things classy and to fit in with the rest the building/condo
That park has been terribly neglected for years. Take a close look at the skating pavilion. It's dirty, the paint is chipping and the building is left to rot. Bird shit is all over it. There are bald spots in the grass, all over the park. It's a pretty drab place to be. Even the benches have peeling paint. No park in this city should be allowed to deteriorate to this extent. That park needs a who new design and a complete overhaul.

Whoever is responsible for the upkeep here has really let it slide. Presumably they know considerable change is coming next year for this space so they're not putting any money (or very little) into it now.
Whoever is responsible for the upkeep here has really let it slide. Presumably they know considerable change is coming next year for this space so they're not putting any money (or very little) into it now.

Canderel is supposed to be taking care of repairing/renovating the park as part of constructing AURA. It seems that it will be later when most of the construction is complete.
