
^From this cruzin' pic I'm getting an Atrium on Bay/BA love child kinda feeling (the mullion-free northeast corner).

Me likey. Hoping they use a lot of this cladding and don't switch to window wall for the 50? storeys of tower/box before the curves appear. Wouldn't mind seeing the curvy bits from 50 to 75 clad in the very same stuff.

If they stick with this stuff I'm going to give 3 thumbs up and a tower nickname: BIG BLUE.
By February should have the Delta Chelsea in range.

yup, i think thats definitely possible,

i still can't believe i haven't taken a photo of this glass yet even though i've passed by it. i suck.
does this tower live up to the hype? as of now, i'd say yes
It looks super-eighties in person. Whenever I see this building in person, I think it looks like some businessman in a double-breasted, overly large suit, barging into the corner of Yonge and Gerrard shoulder pads-first.

Interesting. So, is this building's super-80s look a good, bad or neutral thing from your perspective? If it's neutral or bad, what would you rather see done differently. I'm just curious. :)

I know it's too early to tell but from the renders and what I actually see so far, I'm liking this project. I like the design of the overall building, I like the podium (including what it'll offer), I like the height and so far, I like the cladding.

PS - Speaking of the 80s, it seems that many dislike PoMo and other 80s type buildings like the Atrium on Bay. I don't see what the big deal is. It's one style that had its time and that's it. What's the issue with people always portraying 80s buildings in an unfavorable manner (this is a general point, nothing against anyone specific). I actually quite like the fact that Toronto has a few buildings that are so Atrium on Bay and the Yonge-Davisville centre.
Interesting. So, is this building's super-80s look a good, bad or neutral thing from your perspective? If it's neutral or bad, what would you rather see done differently. I'm just curious. :)

I know it's too early to tell but from the renders and what I actually see so far, I'm liking this project. I like the design of the overall building, I like the podium (including what it'll offer), I like the height and so far, I like the cladding.

PS - Speaking of the 80s, it seems that many dislike PoMo and other 80s type buildings like the Atrium on Bay. I don't see what the big deal is. It's one style that had its time and that's it. What's the issue with people always portraying 80s buildings in an unfavorable manner (this is a general point, nothing against anyone specific). I actually quite like the fact that Toronto has a few buildings that are so Atrium on Bay and the Yonge-Davisville centre.

I think there is merit in most architectural styles. However, I am never jazzed about the 80s mirror-building look - it screams "Dynasty" to me in a not-so-intentional way.

As for this building - I don't like dividing buildings between sheep and goats. (Except when they deserve it, like Museum House.) That being said, I don't like the graceless and heavy way this building sits on the intersection - you feel like you are inside the building when you are on the opposite corner. And the cladding looks wacky and haphazard. With its random angles, the overall design of the podium seems thoughtless. But I'll reserve final judgments until it is finished. I have a feeling the tower portion will be less objectionable.
^^^ well stated. this building and indeed the whole College Park plaza would have benefitted from Aura sitting further back from the corner and having some kind of animated public space there. Ah well, this is Toronto after all... where profits and blood are squeezed from every stone.
^^^^ I see, thanks Parkdalian and Redroom Studios. I also agree that the podium should have been setback further to allow for a more animated public space but unfortunately, I also feel that the chances of that happening in haphazardly- and indifferently-growing Toronto are slim. Happy New Year to all. :p
There is a long-established public space adjacent to Aura. To set the same-sized podium back from the corner would have intruded on this existing park.
I think the position of the podium is fine so long as none of those ridiculous "City Guide" Astral Media units are placed on the sidewalk.
That poor park has been intruded upon enough in the past dozen or so years, it's now half the size it used to be.
^^^ well stated. this building and indeed the whole College Park plaza would have benefitted from Aura sitting further back from the corner and having some kind of animated public space there. Ah well, this is Toronto after all... where profits and blood are squeezed from every stone.

Is Toronto really that different in that regard, than other capitalist cities around the world? Everything seems to be about maximizing profits and squeezing every last dollar out of everything. People, corporations and governments all seem obsessed with money. Nothing else seems to matter. Is Toronto worse than New York or Chicago when it comes to the sickness of greed?
Wasn't the podium refined through that city design committee?

If I remember correctly, an earlier design had the tower further back, but it was moved forward due to the excessive shade it would have created for 44 Gerrard W, College Park 1 & 2 and other buildings. Also it was essential to keep Barbara Ann Park intact. In fact, part of the agreement with the city is to extensively remodel and improve the park. I don't think the builders are any more obsessed with money than anyone else. I think it will be sensational when finished.
I think the position of the podium is fine so long as none of those ridiculous "City Guide" Astral Media units are placed on the sidewalk.
That poor park has been intruded upon enough in the past dozen or so years, it's now half the size it used to be.

The park looked so much bigger due to the open parking lots. It was a sad day when the trees surrounding the parking lot (later ROCP) were chopped down - I had never realized it was private property.
This was one of the places I used to play ball with my last dog at night before ROCP was built, I never really thought about it but I guess I presumed it was City property too. I don't mind the loss of park space so much, as long as they put some thought and money to beautify what's left and make better use of the space in there. Much of it is nice as is, albeit a little run down, but the space offers so much more potential.
