I couldn't agree more. I'm surprised that so many members seem to want Yonge (from Bloor south) to remain a bunch of little shops, sort of like the main street of a small town in Ontario. This is the heart of a major city. Bring on the big guys!

"Main Street Ontario" is, in many towns, a distant memory now with big box centres and Walmart taking over. I was up north last weekend and drove along High Street in Sutton for the first time in perhaps 10 or 12 years. I was pleasantly surprised to see Sutton's "main street" mostly intact with stores and restaurants but what was strange was I didn't see more than 15 people along the whole street mid-Saturday afternoon.
I absolutely embrace our walkable streets with little shops & chain stores in our downtown, it's much more stimulating and exciting than navigating through a Wallymart.
19 April 2012



Those ground level windows don't match any other part of the building/ don't really draw on any existing themes. The horizontal lines are too close together for it to mimic the other podium glazing properly. Oh G+C, I don't get you much of the time... lol.
Look, I’ll put a very fine point on this. Someone who says stuff like:

about this site:

[Photos of dilapidated, outdated buildings.]

Is NEVER NEVER NEVER going to be taken seriously by someone like me. its just NEVER going to happen.

I realize that calling people ‘idiots’ and ‘morons’ is common amongst people who don’t know how to defend their half-baked and uninformed opinions, but you’d do well to "try to think"--at least a little bit, before you post--lest you end up spouting witless inanities like this:

1) I did not centre out anyone. Yes, I may have been a little harsh, but I was simply showing dissatisfaction with L Tower's cladding. I'm sorry if that offended you in any way. Yes, I was banned for that comment. Personally, I think it is silly to be banned for saying something like that (and in my opinion, censorship), but I didn't say anything until you brought it up just now.

I dislike the word "beast" as well, but I was using it to object thedeepend's self-gained right to censor this thread by personally attacking members. This isn't the first thread he has hijacked either :/

Edit: In case you didn't catch that, my view of those buildings counts as an OPINION.

and finally (and more relevantly): I'm really enjoying the way this building is turning out. The podium, while it lacks coherence as Sp!re pointed out, still manages to look composed for what is essentially a mall. That's obviously going to be less true once business signs start going up, but I think it'll still manage to look fairly attractive and modern. I am concerned, however, that the small unit sizes might make it less than ideal to rent. If the vacancy rate of the commercial portion gets too high, it would jeopardize the integrity of the gateway to Canada's tallest condo. That would not be good.
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Those ground level windows don't match any other part of the building/ don't really draw on any existing themes.

Funnily enough I was just thinking the exact opposite! They take their cue from the CP windows along Yonge, no? If you step back and consider the whole block from Gerrard to College it should make sense... or at least I imagine it does.
2) Most of New York, Chicago, Vancouver, Hong Kong, Tokyo, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. 's prominent buildings are also designed by local architects. What makes them any less of a legitimate choice than foreign architects?

Not all "local architects" are made equal--which is why, generally speaking, an aA or KPMB tends to be treated more positively around these parts than a Kirkor or G+C...
Funnily enough I was just thinking the exact opposite! They take their cue from the CP windows along Yonge, no? If you step back and consider the whole block from Gerrard to College it should make sense... or at least I imagine it does.

Yep that's what I was thinking.

hmm, I hope they're going to redo the sidewalks ? They look like a mess now.

Sorry I know I asked before but does anyone have:
1) The full retail plan (I could only find the below grade level).
2) The section 38 contributions, so we can confirm its going to the park and find out exactly what is in the works ?

1) I did not centre out anyone. Yes, I may have been a little harsh, but I was simply showing dissatisfaction with L Tower's cladding. I'm sorry if that offended you in any way. Yes, I was banned for that comment. Personally, I think it is silly to be banned for saying something like that (and in my opinion, censorship), but I didn't say anything until you brought it up just now.

To set the record straight, you're banned for calling someone a douche and telling others not to read his "crap". Nice try trying to spin it as somehow you're banned for another reason (which quite frankly could easily be interpreted as trolling, but I digress). I would highly suggest that you do not speak of "the silliness" of it unless you want me to reproduce that particular posting of yours.

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Yep that's what I was thinking.

hmm, I hope they're going to redo the sidewalks ? They look like a mess now.

Sorry I know I asked before but does anyone have:
1) The full retail plan (I could only find the below grade level).
2) The section 38 contributions, so we can confirm its going to the park and find out exactly what is in the works ?

If anyone has access to this information, please post it. Also, since we're on the topic, does anyone know how the retail portion of Aura compares to that of One Bloor (in terms of sq. ft)?

Edit: Thanks again for the photos, Caltrane. I know I don't thank you enough, but I really appreciate the effort you put into posting so many photos. This site wouldn't be the same without you.
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