Awesomeness how? Oh, right. It's big.
condovos thoughts moments before posting "hmmmm 1349 posts...wonder who to mouth off to..."
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That park is going to turn into quite the meeting place downtown. With enough businesses, and people there... the atmosphere of the park will change considerably.

Very Exciting Times Indeed!!
If you people don't like the building stop following the threads thanks move on to a different building. Just a thought and helpful suggestion. Thanks

i think people are free to post on whatever thread they feel like posting on.

if you don't like the well-deserved and widespread criticism of this building, why don't you stop following the thread? it's not like the defenders of this building are actually saying anything.

the reality of this situation is that people who care about good architecture in this city hate this building.
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When we talk about design panels its worth recalling some type of special panel was put together for this project. As I recall, the city wasn`t enthused initially with the plan, perhaps based on the College Park experience. So I think a small group of leading architects in Toronto were invited to meet with and offer encouraging advice to the developer`s staff architect. Some of the ideas were included, but refinement related rather than fundamental.

So the question then is whether expert review panels make much difference if developers aren`t capable or intent of following through.

I am in no way saying I dislike Aura. Its too early to say. In some cases, scale itself is a plus. Yonge Streets some scale.
i think people are free to post on whatever thread they feel like posting on.

if you don't like the well-deserved and widespread criticism of this building, why don't you stop following the thread? it's not like the defenders of this building are actually saying anything.

people who care about good architecture in this city hate this building.

Thats simply not true. I care about good architecture, but I dont hate the building, although its not in my top 5, I still don't really know how the final product will be yet. However, I do find constant negative criticisms to be somewhat obnoxious and often as repetitive as the constant "this is the best building" comments. Perhaps if people were more in to "I really like this aspect of it, or I really dislike this aspect of it" instead of "I loathe this place, or I want to fornicate with this place".
It doesn't bother me. I appologise for sounding any certain way. Some how you all missed my point though. It's ok continue on then. Cheers and ment no offense. Just thought maybe find a way to be positive not negative on the same thing all the time.
people who care about good architecture in this city hate this building.

Congratulations for sounding so pompous thedeepend. Your hate for a building that is far from being completed is now well-noted.
Congratulations for sounding so pompous thedeepend. Your hate for a building that is far from being completed is now well-noted.

well, thank you, but no congratulations are required. *blush*. if you'd spent the last 30 years of your life living and creating art and culture in downtown Toronto, you'd know where i'm coming from but, anyway...

i do hate this building--passionately. i hate it now, and i am going to hate it when it is finished. among the many reasons i know i am going to hate it are:

a) all of the buildings this architect has ever designed are bad. if you can point me to one remotely notable building by this firm, by all means post it.

b) as is always the case with this developer, the materials being used are as cheap as they come. you can see from the Wall Of A Million Mullions they are presently banging together that they are using the same old cut-rate window wall system that you see on dozens of lousy, cheesy condos all over the GTA.



c) but mostly i hate it because this awful company, with their awful architect, are threatening to build even more of their awful buildings in the downtown core. the one they are proposing to build up the road is--incredibly--even worse than the 78 story embarrassment this thread is devoted to.


*image from Travis, post 266, 460 Yonge St. thread
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the reality of this situation is that people who care about good architecture in this city hate this building.

I'm not an architect, but I do know what I like. Some may agree with me, and many may disagree. I'm just a bit surprised that anyone who claims to have such vast knowledge as you profess to would speak for ALL the people who care about good architecture. Is there no room for another opinion, or is yours the only one that counts. You're sounding somewhat like an architectural 'bible thumper'.
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well, thank you, but no congratulations are required. *blush*. if you'd spent the last 30 years of your life living and creating art and culture in downtown Toronto, you'd know where i'm coming from but, anyway...

i do hate this building--passionately. i hate it now, and i am going to hate it when it is finished. among the many reasons i know i am going to hate it are:

a) all of the buildings this architect has ever designed are bad. if you can point me to one remotely notable building by this firm, by all means post it.

b) as is always the case with this developer, the materials being used are as cheap as they come. you can see from the Wall Of A Million Mullions they are presently banging together that they are using the same old cut-rate window wall system that you see on dozens of lousy, cheesy condos all over the GTA.

c) but mostly i hate it because this awful company, with their awful architect, are threatening to build even more of their awful buildings in the downtown core. the one they are proposing to build up the road is--incredibly--even worse than the 78 story embarrassment this thread is devoted to.

So two of the three reasons that you dislike this building are essentially that you don't like the other buildings designed by the architect? Wow, no bias there.

Your only legitimate reason seems to be poor materials. I don't think that's enough reason to make me hate a building passionately.
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