I was of course referring to the architecture, but if you're gonna read me literally, maybe you'll prefer this?


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Gettin Big. This morning

They've already starting painting the underside of the balconies. Won't the painter catch up to the top pretty quickly? I guess then (s)he goes to work on the retail interior. lol
They will already be putting most of their energy into the retail interiors since the podium is supposed to open in August.
By looking at the render and the webcam, it looks like theres about 15 more floors to go until the west side curtainwall begins
So those of you forumers that dislike the mullions only have this long to wait:
I believe the Western curtain wall starts on the 48th level (it was originally the 45th, but 3 extra floors were added above the 35th floor). We’re currently on the 27th level, so 21 more to go.

The tower should climb even faster after the 28th level, at which point the ceiling height increases from 8 foot to 9 foot.
i guess i either counted wrong or didnt factor in the addition of 3 floors...or both :p
The thing that bugs me the most in Aura is the uneven window spacing. It feels really messy- and I really hope the curtain wall can distract from some of this.
The thing that bugs me the most in Aura is the uneven window spacing. It feels really messy- and I really hope the curtain wall can distract from some of this.

I wouldnt call it uneven spacing, but rather that different sections of the building have different patterns formed by the window frames. To me this is one of the best features and gives the building a sense of dynamic rather than simply being a sterile monolith.
