Damn straight they do.

Wow, I never knew....actually, it might not be a bad idea for this location - maybe they should do a test for a year or so, to see how it works. I can't think of anyone doing anything legit in this park after about 11pm...
The Liberties condo plus others on one side, 24-hour supermarket & a subway on the other side. It's the obvious shortest easiest way to get to Gerrard West from the subway or the supermarket. And yes, people do shop after 11pm. That's why there's a 24-hour supermarket.
I hope youre right, truthfully they should gate these downtown parkettes and shut them down during the night (like NYC and many other cities do)

AG, you crack me up. I saw a car accident on Bay Street the other day. Perhaps they should shut down the street in case another car hits another car, right?
Yeah, I suppose everyone likes to have a shortcut.....
C'mon guys. One mugging and we're going to gate the park? Then we should close the Eaton Centre all together with its multiple incidents - some fatal - and in the daytime too. Generally Barbara Ann park is a safe as houses. A few harmless rubbies, a few guys smoking dope. It may look a bit scary sometimes, but really, it is not.
C'mon guys. One mugging and we're going to gate the park? Then we should close the Eaton Centre all together with its multiple incidents - some fatal - and in the daytime too. Generally Barbara Ann park is a safe as houses. A few harmless rubbies, a few guys smoking dope. It may look a bit scary sometimes, but really, it is not.

There has been an uptick in trouble lately - mugging in Sheard parkette on McGill, incidents of car break ins and hassling of passerbys. I'd say gates are ridiculous impediments to movement, but a few more beat cops walking around, with better lighting would do the trick.
Daily Commercial News posted a nice picture in today's edition:

does NYC gate and shut down parkettes at night? never heard of this before...

Some London parks are locked at night, too. And if you've ever been to an English university town such as Oxford you'll find that the colleges there are gated. Theirs is a different culture, without the openness of ours.
When I lived in Halifax, the Public Gardens were gated, typically around dusk. You also weren't allowed to jog, bike, make contact with any of the foliage (including the grass), bring pets or feed any of the animals. Basically the only thing one is allowed to do there is stand, walk, sit, talk, read and/or stare. Good times.
Some London parks are locked at night, too. And if you've ever been to an English university town such as Oxford you'll find that the colleges there are gated. Theirs is a different culture, without the openness of ours.

Oxford colleges are not comparable with public parks. Firstly, they are private property. More importantly, they are the homes and workspaces of the students, staff and fellows who live there. They are live/work communities and not leisure facilities. All members of a college have gate keys to their own college just as you have a key to your own home - however, I am sure that you don't leave your home open to random strangers 24/7 (or any time for that matter!), and neither do colleges except where they feel obligated to let the tourists in to gawk at the buildings for a few hours a day.

It was fun voting to deny Prince Charles permission to land his helicopter on our lawn though! :)

P.S. I think that the London parks that are locked at night are largely Royal Parks, and therefore the property of the Crown or owned by the householders which surround them, and not public property either. Not 100% sure on that... I would say that most parks in England as a whole are public and are not locked at night.

P.P.S. Not sure that the cultural judgment is fair or valid.
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Daily Commercial News posted a nice picture in today's edition:


My reaction:
freaking insane angle! WOW, from above, the way this building meets the street is HUGE, and i dig the cladding colour from that height too!
all the angles/setbacks of the podium are great.
and the sidewalks look HUGE!
this shot = big city building.
