Looking south from College

I do not compare Toronto to older European cities. I am thinking in the NA context with cities with similar population--roughly 1 to 5 million population, because honestly, the 905 doesn't count. I am proud of Toronto's history infact--many of my ancestors helped build this city from its beginning as a military town 200+ years ago.
I do not compare Toronto to older European cities. I am thinking in the NA context with cities with similar population--roughly 1 to 5 million population, because honestly, the 905 doesn't count. I am proud of Toronto's history infact--many of my ancestors helped build this city from its beginning as a military town 200+ years ago.

Well much thanks to you and your ancestors for your hard work and most excellent (if not world-class) city building. I guess the 905-ers are a bit like Romney's 47%. A pox on them all!
I do not compare Toronto to older European cities. I am thinking in the NA context with cities with similar population--roughly 1 to 5 million population, because honestly, the 905 doesn't count. I am proud of Toronto's history infact--many of my ancestors helped build this city from its beginning as a military town 200+ years ago.

At last, somebody on UT ready and willing to speak the truth about those horrible people in the 905! I hear that they sacrifice small children kidnapped from 416 to some idol called "Turfbuilder."

Or at least, they work, shop, attend sporting or cultural events, drive or use transit in Toronto. So I, in my ignorance, had been counting them. I had even been thinking that some attention needed to be paid to political structures so that the issues affecting everybody in the conurbation could be addressed!
Hey, not all of the 905 is bad. The prewar areas are nice and I'm a fan of some of the 1950s-60s modernist ranch bungalows. I'm talking about builders and "architects" who live in tacky mcmansions in the 905 and impose their dated designs on the masses downtown.
That's looking alot better with the black marble accents on ground level completed and the white marble covering up that blank wall on the corner.

ya what's up with the corner? there are brackets there of some sorts to mount something although it's weird becausein the renders, it showed glass there.


a curved LED display of some sorts would work for me. (either concave or convex):
I do not compare Toronto to older European cities. I am thinking in the NA context with cities with similar population--roughly 1 to 5 million population, because honestly, the 905 doesn't count. I am proud of Toronto's history infact--many of my ancestors helped build this city from its beginning as a military town 200+ years ago.

Agreed! My family's history starts in Muddy York, around 1840 (probably further back, but the records were poorly kept back then), apparently, our first ancestors were some of the first police, and doctors in the city, needless to say, I'm a very proud Torontonian!
