Agreed, Softee. There's a lot going on here, with professionals of all types pursuing their vocation with passion and innovation. I believe (and have already stated in this thread) that Bourdain's Toronto episode was written out of ignorance rather than knowledge. 36 hours in Toronto and he's an expert on what's going on here, or how beautiful or ugly this city is? As if. I have long watched his shows and am a fan, but this is embarrassing for him really.

Meanwhile, one thing that Torontonians are indisputably world class at is needlessly apologizing for other Torontonians and the city as a whole.

The little white crane on top of Aura looks like the Canadarm on the space station.

Actually the placing boom (top end) of the concrete pump, sometimes known as the concrete pump 'mantis'.
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From earlier today

Every time I go into the Bed, Bath & Beyond, there are far more employees, than customers, even now in the Christmas season. It's funny because Collage Park, right next door is always full of shoppers, especially the Winners. If things don't pick up soon, I wouldn't be surprised to see that huge space empty, before the condo is even complete.
It's interesting that once the curve starts on both sides, the tower will essentially be only as wide as those sections of curtain wall currently surrounding the balconies in the above photo. Aura is decent looking, and I think it could turn out to be surprisingly good if the curve is well executed.

I wish they had integrated the balconies on the West side like they did on the East side though (ie make them flush with the rest of the wall).
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Hey guys,

Has anybody visited the shops/food court in the basement lately. Any ecouraging words? Txs.
Has anybody visited the shops/food court in the basement lately. Any ecouraging words? Txs.

There's signs of two barbershops, a nail salon, and a dry cleaners. I noticed an application for a convenience store was rejected (maybe because there's not enough space for refrigeration units?). Lots of the "For Lease" signs have turned into "For Sale" signs.
Agreed, Softee. There's a lot going on here, with professionals of all types pursuing their vocation with passion and innovation.

Please feel free to move all of this to a separate thread so that others can continue to count floors and focus on the emerging 'curve'...

I never said there was nothing going on here, I said there was nothing 'original' going on here. There's a difference. You can't expect a seasoned world traveler and New Yorker to be dazzled by Toronto versions of trends that are already passé in other places, no matter how excellent the Toronto version might be. That's just not how it works.

... and interchange, you mentioned 'innovation', please give me an example of something cultural in the city that expresses this innovation. Bourdain's indifference is under attack but I've yet to hear what he should have experienced that would have blown his mind with something exciting and new, or traditional but unique to the city.

36 hours in Toronto and he's an expert on what's going on here, or how beautiful or ugly this city is? As if.

Do you expect him to move here for six months in order to film an episode? I mean, how long does it take before Toronto's (apparently illusive) charms or cutting-edge cultural innovations reveal themselves to a casual, worldly observer? Besides, he may only have had 36 hours but I'm pretty sure he was given the inside track (was informed of where specifically to go and who to meet with etc).

Meanwhile, one thing that Torontonians are indisputably world class at is needlessly apologizing for other Torontonians and the city as a whole.

I'm not apologizing for Toronto at all. Toronto is a great city with many, many attributes. I just don't happen to feel that being a cultural world leader is among them... yet. As I said before, the ingredients are here (talented people, cultural infrastructure, etc) but we just haven't found our own voice or viewpoint.
And we never will, I agree Toronto is a great city, but there is one thing we're very much lacking, pride in the city, ask any random person what they think of Toronto (who lives in Toronto), you'll get a lot of "its okay / it sucks for reason X, Y, Z). In those other cites you compare us to, their residents have magnitudes times more pride in their own city.
This isn't something that changes quickly, it takes decades.
Hey guys,

Has anybody visited the shops/food court in the basement lately. Any ecouraging words? Txs.

The prospects of the basement retail space also looks dreary until they improve the connection to College Park. Being separated by two sets of doors really has it feeling like an isolated dead space. The PATH system's success is largely due to the easy of flow and access of the underground network between buildings.

And we never will, I agree Toronto is a great city, but there is one thing we're very much lacking, pride in the city, ask any random person what they think of Toronto (who lives in Toronto), you'll get a lot of "its okay / it sucks for reason X, Y, Z). In those other cites you compare us to, their residents have magnitudes times more pride in their own city.
This isn't something that changes quickly, it takes decades.

:eek: I have been down south in the USA for 20 years , and as I look back the amount of civic pride I possess in my birthplace, grows and grows.......
There is a forward thinking, a global consciousness, and a growing international identity, all of which are to be proud of.......
Canada, and Toronto are such destinations for immigration because of this thinking.

The highrise market, and investments in it, are fabulous signs that Toronto is not only willing to change, but embrace it.
The rules that built the 20th century metropolis ( NA), are no longer an effective way to sustain a city.
Meaning mostly sprawl, and the auto age. The resulting flight of tax base is disatrous.

While every new highrise might not be a sparkling emblem, of modernity and wealth, they are emblems of change, and sustainable urban living that few N.A. citys embrace.
Also the political will and ability to make change seems so much greater in Canada.. We are so much more willing to see other models ( ways of doing things) from around the world, and find the voice and will power to do so.

American resistance to change and outward thinking is unbelievable. It seems it filters in from around the world through New York, or California, and then takes decades to embark across the red ( state) union.

Anyway .. I am very proud of Toronto...... It is an amazing place already.... Americans do love Toronto... Every one who has been say it is wonderful...
My east African cab driving buddys, all LOVE Toronto , and Canada.. ( I take a cab to work )

Even the Twins, and T Wolves I have met, always LOVE TO......

Any way I rarely comment anymore, some one always want to hate some thing I say... I must not have enough posts, to command an opinion yet ! ! LOL :confused:

Hope you all have a great year.

PS Back on topic, this will be the tower to watch in 2013.... followed by Ice I and II, and U ...... Crazy to think that Yorkville will have 9 cranes this year?? 1 Bloor, U condos I and II, Casa II, X2, Chaz, Five, Nicolas , Milan, and right up Yonge this baby!!!! WOah boy!!!
Indulge me for a moment please; I need to post this picture to demonstrate preparations for concrete work in winter. You can see the wall forms have been insulated and there are tarps around the fly tables to keep the temporary heat in under the slab forms. They are most likely using four or more 400,000 btu portable gas heaters under the fresh slab overnight.


