One final comment here... Thanx all for the kind responses....

But to be compared to NYC is a compliment and a measure that every city falls short of .....!!

As far as the history of the modern city , New York is the embodiment of all that is Gotham City.
New York is the human experience working, and a logical place for Toronto to be compared to..

N.A. really only has three or four real urban downtowns with 200 000 people!!!
Last I saw Houston had fewer than 2000 people living in the core.
Toronto does somethings better than even New York, and they are both "worlds" larger than life in some regards. ( When your there, everywhere else is nowhere)
Toronto is emerging on the global scene without question, every American knows Toronto, few know our capital when asked.....

I have come to love 2 kinds of Americans, those who have traveled abroad, and New Yorkers......... They are so traveled, within those 5 boroughs!!!!

Anyway , my point is, to be mentioned with New York, even if to fall short, is still a great measure of a former provincial, industrial, town arriving on the big league stage.

The inner city that is Manhattan, is a great success story, and one of the worlds great storys, and to borrow from her is admirable.
That is how a city will flourish, without freeways, with all incomes brackets, and races intermingling generating innovation!!!
Vs suburban stagnation. ......

Should we start a thread "Pride in Toronto" (not to be confused with Pride Festival Toronto) as an area to pound our chests (serious suggestion)?
Should we start a thread "Pride in Toronto" (not to be confused with Pride Festival Toronto) as an area to pound our chests (serious suggestion)?

( This is in no way aimed at you, or your post, rather just an indication of what conversation this is part of)

Aura with its LED lights and height, will match up favorably to anything residential being built in NA, including New York ... (China and DUbai are different storys based on different economics, and agendas)
"Un-leased",.... doesn't seem to deter, building "by decreee!!!"

I just get so tired of the hate here......

Ripping unfinished buildings???? Can they finish, before we destroy it?

Saying there is no street life , in an un opened neighborhood??? These are the words of small minds, repeating what they digested as nourishment here.

Let the dust at Cityplace settle, and then when retail has moved in , (and out) for a couple years, and the buildings occupied and we have forgotten to talk about this place , then take a look back??

I am guessing it will be a very active, prosperous, chunk of mixed society!

Remember one of the big keys to making a INNER city work, is to have ALL income brackets represented and interwoven together.

Please let Aura be the emblem that it should be. This is a tower to be compared with Q1, and Eureka Tower, ( in terms of scale , and purpose) It is already adding more excitement to a once shoddy district, and "people" are that excitement. They are a city's greatest resource.

They are also the ONLY source of income for a real sustainable city.... The city planners and managers have to realize, we up the income base , we up our earnings, and so much more can be done by the city , in terms of infrastructure....
It would be interesting to see the comparisons of yearly inner city tax bases, what does Toronto have to work with VS say Detroit??

It seems the type of towers most wish for , are only for the wealthy. If the final product was to look like the crystal towers you dream of, there would be 4 floors of suites and 60 floors of 4 million penthouses!! LOL

Aura is what it is, an option vs track housing in Rockwood , or Maple PLain.

I often lament the state of architecture today as well, but I recognize that growth, even cut corner growth, is the only choice over NO GROWTH!!!
Our pyramid building days are over, the roaring 20s will never return..... and unless we steal resources, and use slaves to build, these gilded temples, ( which is how most great empires build great monuments to them selves) I will settle for 100 Auras, and Casa's , and Ice's, and etc on and on and on.... ( BTW, These projects also include outstanding architecture, for this era, like SL, L tower, and 1 Bloor, I think will be fantastic!!!)

I guess this is my point. Toronto is adapting , and catching up to the world, and it is wonderful to see.
This is not a phase any more, rather a change in direction, as a people, and as a city. We will continue to build up, ...... cheaply........ LOL

Thats just the "Way of The World", to quote Earth Wind and Fire.
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I can see the basement area being more like a very nice flee market in the end.
which is fine with me.

I agree, it probably will just become a small flea market or maybe an international market, like they have at the CNE, every year. If it has a cool, artsy vibe, it could work but it also has a strong possibility of being a complete disaster. If it turns out like Pacific Mall but with more cell phone stores, barber shops and nail salons, it could turn out to be a depressing, run down, junk mall that most people avoid at all cost. I guess it depends how much effort the owners want to put into this but if we go by Toronto's history with similar malls, it doesn't look good at all.
That chef was right: From the highway (the view most people have of Toronto, even the majority who live here in the post-war neighbourhoods) Toronto is hideous. Now if Toronto looked like it did c.1960--different story. But yes, 95% of these post 1970 towers are ugly, let's be honest! Think of what he saw: 427 corridor=vomit. Humber Hump area=garbage minus the Palce Pier twins. Liberty Village=embarrassing! Fort York/City Place=mediocre. Harbourfront=dreary.

Now, had he approached Toronto via Bloor Street, Roncevalles, Queen etc perhaps a different view. But he's right and that's what's so great about him: telling the truth!

Is NYC beautiful? No: much of it is decayed, ugly and miserable but like Toronto, the wealthier areas are well maintained and do look attractive. Think of the side streets of the Annex, Yorkville, High Park, Roncevalles, Davisville, the Beach. But most of what people actually see--large buildings, the urban streetscape--is sadly more like Aura than Rosedale.

The Shops at Aura is what Toronto's streetscape looks like to the average outsider: mediocre.
Now, had he approached Toronto via Bloor Street, Roncevalles, Queen etc perhaps a different view.

Hmm, approach a clutter of overhead wires, crooked wooden hydro poles pasted with staples, glue, and paper, with a bunch of rusted out street tabloid boxes chained and wraped around them......yeah its a sh,,t-show and im sure he would be impressed:eek:
Hey, "different strokes for different folks", :rolleyes:
Hmm, approach a clutter of overhead wires, crooked wooden hydro poles pasted with staples, glue, and paper, with a bunch of rusted out street tabloid boxes chained and wraped around them......yeah its a sh,,t-show and im sure he would be impressed:eek:
Hey, "different strokes for different folks", :rolleyes:

Then again, you have to remember: a lot of visitors to Toronto are the sort who, if they opted to live here, would opt for a brand-new McMansion in Milton over that aged crud around Roncy. Different strokes, indeed...
Every person I've taken to Toronto is very impressed. I think it's a great city. It's not perfect and for sure has some bad sides (any city does), but overall, TO is impressive and leaves visitors with positive impressions. That's all I've heard.
Every person I've taken to Toronto is very impressed. I think it's a great city. It's not perfect and for sure has some bad sides (any city does), but overall, TO is impressive and leaves visitors with positive impressions. That's all I've heard.

Well said...

I will add that for a city of 6+ million , it is as safe and livable and clean as any city anywhere in the world?

Is there a SAFER city anywhere??? ( of 5+ million)

So even our "bad sides" are far from Baltimore's east side.. or not to pick on Detroit, but???
Looks like the Marshall's signage is coming soon.

Application: Designated Structures Status: Permit Issued

Location: 444 YONGE ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 12 297804 DST 00 DS Issued Date: Dec 28, 2012

Project: First Party Sign Building Permit Related

Description: In conjunction with a new retail use located within a mixed-use residential condominium building, to erect and display four illuminated wall signs, each with static copy and each at the southerly, easterly and northerly (x2) facing third storey building wall (within a unique banding detail). Each of the four proposed wall signs are to be at a height of approximately 19.00 metres, 4.71 metres in width by 0.91 metres in length and displaying "Marshall's". **Marshall's**
Interestingly, friends of mine who are visiting from the States saw Bourdain's show and found it was very positive about Toronto. They were quite taken aback when I described reactions to it here.
Well said...

I will add that for a city of 6+ million , it is as safe and livable and clean as any city anywhere in the world?

Is there a SAFER city anywhere??? ( of 5+ million)

Since we are talking about the world, so let's do it.
Toronto has 86 homocide cases in 2007, 70 in 2008 and 62 in 2009, averaging 73 per year. So homocide rate was about 2.92 per 100,000 people in these three years.

During the same period, European big cities:
Berlin: 1.93
Paris: 1.40
Madrid 1.14
Rome: 1.20
Vienna: 1.07
London: 1.92
Athens: 1.98

Source: Eurostat, Crime and Criminal Justice, June 2012.

In Asia, Singapore (population 5.2M)'s homocide rate is below 0.5 per 100,000. Tokyo's rate is about the same.
Hong Kong's rate is about 0.8. You will find extremely rate for others such as seoul, Taipei etc as well. They are all similar to or bigger than Toronto in size. In fact, their murder rate (under 1 per 100,000) is not even on the same scale as Toronto (between 2.5 and 3).

Toronto may be safe compared with major American cities, but it is nowhere that exceptional when put in the global context.
I honestly do not know where many people get this idea that Toronto is one of the safest cities in the world. It is simply NOT.
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