Wow. What a beast of a building. Beating a dead horse, but should have put more effort in designing something architecturally better, or at least for the top half the building.
I'm assuming it's the rendering that you don't find architecturally pleasing as they have just started building the top half.
To each his own. I'm loving it!


a bit closer



even closer

9 February 2013: The only decent street to walk on today was College--for some reason the sidewalks were cleared and salted. Every other street I walked on today was a disaster--Bloor, Dundas, Queen, Spadina, King, Adelaide, John, Peter, Kensington Market and more. Why? Anyhow, remind me to get out the zoom lens next time :)

Royal Bank at Grenville St is relocating to the south end of the building at grade.

I guess that development is near to seeing some action soon.

The next step back has taken place to the west and you can see it more from the south than those north shots.
9 February 2013: The only decent street to walk on today was College--for some reason the sidewalks were cleared and salted. Every other street I walked on today was a disaster--Bloor, Dundas, Queen, Spadina, King, Adelaide, John, Peter, Kensington Market and more. Why?

Could it be that the addition of AURA has uplifted the status of the intersection to almost a shade below that of Yorkville? That's seems to be the only logical explanation as to why this intersection got priority in sidewalk clearing while the 'other' neighbourhoods remain neglected:)
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Well be that the reason or not, you are correct about the status of the area, not only with Aura, but with all the other projects going up or about to go up. It's exciting! :)
9 February 2013: The only decent street to walk on today was College--for some reason the sidewalks were cleared and salted. Every other street I walked on today was a disaster--Bloor, Dundas, Queen, Spadina, King, Adelaide, John, Peter, Kensington Market and more. Why? Anyhow, remind me to get out the zoom lens next time :)

City clears streets with bike lanes first
