Yeah, you'd get quite the view from up there. But I imagine a honking lottery winning would be in order to buy a place up top.
I still don't like this building; the massing is all wrong--it should have been two or even three towers on the site contrary to whatever the city's urban planners wanted! It lacks grace, it just looks typical C.S shlock.

But thanks for the photos Project End--I was debating taking some there myself the other day.
It seems to be aligned to true North. I like that.

Mmmm - not quite. North-south streets in downtown Toronto are about 17.5 degrees off of true north-south, and the east side of the tower looks like it is aligned at about half of that angle.

Wow, what a monster. I still can't figure out how the east and west portions of the upper spiral resolve.... almost looks like they don't actually connect.

Any better snaps of the top of the tower??
Yeah, I was hoping the model would clear that up, but I'm still not sure what's going on with the curve!
sweeeet i hope the tower is 280 meters. thats taller then scotia right?
would love to live at the very top. crazyness

The current rumour at the Aura thread at SSC is that Aura is planned to have a height of 291 metres (955 feet). Here are the relevant posts:

A good source has told me there a go at 291m

No folks, im talking about Aura. I'm doing the plumbing at the architects offices that are being renovated right now and have talked to the president and he personally told me there higher at 291m than "that 1 Bloor building". Some pretty fine ass 3d renders of Toronto's skyline looking south west from Bloor.

It sounds like they expect to get that extra 10 or 15 storeys they were hoping for, in exchange for additional money spent on the public park.

I'd rather have 10 10-story buildings on the ROCP/Aura site than three mediocre but tall buildings. Bonus: I reckon the 10 buildings would have higher density and better street-level retail than the three buildings (to be) built.
They are both semi-circular and face each other. You can kind of see it in this picture from outside.

So the curve is actually 2 detatched curves, like City Hall? I was kind of hoping for a spiral :/
Yeah I dropped into the sales centre and finally figured it out.

They've taken the ascending curve of the west roof-line up to its own pinnacle rather than just joining the bottom of the east roof... so it's slightly taller than the bottom of the east curved roof... creating a sort of off-kilter X in profile.... very, very handsome nonetheless.

The podium and the 40 storey "square" portion of the west side of the tower actually run in parallel to Bay street, but the podium and the 50 storey "square" portion of the east side of the tower both flare out on an angle towards Yonge. Very interesting look.

The completely transparent model is quite extraordinary (worth the visit) but leaves alot to the imagination regarding materials.... I'd actually love to the see the entire building clad in low-iron transparent glass.

The sales staff confirmed the developer is asking for an extra 10 floors (85 total) so I suppose 291 metres isn't impossible.
I'd rather have 10 10-story buildings on the ROCP/Aura site than three mediocre but tall buildings. Bonus: I reckon the 10 buildings would have higher density and better street-level retail than the three buildings (to be) built.

What is this obsession everyone has with street level retail? It's so irrelevant. Are you going to be shopping at all these new towers?
I think the idea is that retail at grade will draw streetlife to the area. Also, if the area becomes successful, there's the possibility that the subway sandwiches and dry cleaners could be bought out to create a trendy retail strip, whereas none of this would be possible with a blank concrete or glass wall, which would make that part of the street a pain to walk through, like Cityplace on Spadina.
I think the idea is that retail at grade will draw streetlife to the area. Also, if the area becomes successful, there's the possibility that the subway sandwiches and dry cleaners could be bought out to create a trendy retail strip, whereas none of this would be possible with a blank concrete or glass wall, which would make that part of the street a pain to walk through, like Cityplace on Spadina.

But the stretch along Yonge is currently successful even with the parking lot. I don't think you'll get the Bay Corridor moving in to Yonge St. Maybe Gerrard will have more of the ho-hum retail but I still think that is doubtful. I imagine this podium will have an anchor tenant, possibly a big name store and several smaller stores. Retail will be lining up to have new, state-of-the-art space on Yonge.

As for street life, well, this corner already has an abundance of that. Perhaps the street life will improve and be less, er, sketchy with this tower and podium.
Another Home Depot would work well here...or maybe that store that sells walls?

Condos, imho, bring the suburbs to the city: big box stores, fast food franchises, suburban-minded people with their underground parking, blah blah blah. Like the bungalow in the 1950's today's 600 sq ft condo is the new suburban dream home.:)
