30 August 2014

Yes. People like this. Sounds like you are putting down others that differ in opinion with you.
Yes! I like it, and no, I'm not desperate for lighting. And no, I will not accept anything. Is that ok with you?

No need to be so sensitive. That clearly wasn't my intention. My post simply expresses shock.
At which point in maestro's post did he say he didn't like the LED lights? He called us DESPERATE!

Read the post first before trying a crappy smartass comeback.
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Do people actually like this or are they so desparate for lighting that they will accept anything? It's the definition of ostentatious.

Perhaps, you might wish to hold further discussions/opinions till the end of October. Unless it is changed again, I am getting possession of my unit on 62nd floor on October 16th. I might be able to say something on light pollution. My unit faces North/East. And as Steveve has stated in post 10386 above, curved portion of the building might deflect light away from the units itself :)
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I can honestly admit that the lighting feature is quite something. I actually enjoy it, that said, if it were multi-coloured and not just white I would take issue with that. (Read: tacky).

The handling of the roofline and overall massing of the tower (podium/lofts on the podium are a totally different matter) is satisfying to me, as are the curtain-wall portions.

The window-wall cladding, lower portion of the tower, use of spandrel (read: plaid styling) and overall design detailing / construction detailing of this thing equates to a mess.

But yeah, I am happy to admit that the crown of the tower and lighting feature are a small victory and impress me coming from G+C.
At which point in maestro's post did he say he didn't like the LED lights? He called us DESPERATE!

Read the post first before trying a crappy smartass comeback.

Umm, it was implied that I really dislike the LED lights by questioning if acceptance is over a need for more night lighting.
Any idea when the park will be open again (i.e. after the renovation) and is the final plan for said park available ?
a bit off topic but wasn't the MET's lighting feature broken for while? seeing the recent pics of Aura at night, I noticed its beacon lit up. It's really really awesome seeing all the lighting features come on at once with Trump, Aura, and others. Perhaps the city's requesting these things lit up in time for Nuit Blanche? lol

It wasn't working for well over a year, and still doesn't. It changes colour from red to blue all night for no apparent reason, the weather beacon doesn't work.
