As if the salespeople would know if the top is going to be lit up. They are specialized in selling units and features of the building, such as amenities. Not silly lights on the building.

Exactly, they are not going to know info about lights on the top. I think there will be something nice up there to attract to the building.
Exactly, they are not going to know info about lights on the top. I think there will be something nice up there to attract to the building.

Sales reps. should know about lights on the building and additional exterior features, at Aura and other buildings. They are selling units in a building that people are interested in buying. A little more knowledge to help sell the building isn't too much to ask.
Exactly - they are being paid money to move the units in this building - so they should know everything about it. Why do we accept less than that?

We are not being paid to know anything about the building, yet we are considering questions that the sales force haven't bothered to find out about. What are they doing when the office is quiet? Staring out the windows wondering what city this is? Crazy.

In my experience, sales reps are often uninformed about the building they're selling. For example: "Are your appliances energy-star?" Answer: "What's that?" OR "What features of your building are energy-efficient?" Usual answer: "I don't know."
Exactly - they are being paid money to move the units in this building - so they should know everything about it. Why do we accept less than that?

We are not being paid to know anything about the building, yet we are considering questions that the sales force haven't bothered to find out about. What are they doing when the office is quiet? Staring out the windows wondering what city this is? Crazy.


I agree 1000%. It amazes me how incredibly stupid and ignorant some of these people are about the product they're pushing considering its price tag.
Be fair......

These are sales people, not the architects/firms designing the tower and they probably aren't provided with info about the roof lighting or such. Why would they be?

The average person isn't going to ask these kinds of questions nor do they care. Save for skyscraper nuts like us. And the fact some of us are resorting to calling the sales people names for not knowing these otherwise useless details to the general public probably proves my point.

I remember my days working retail and sales and dealing with the bullshit and outight stupidity from the public. This thread just reminded of those so-happy-times. :rolleyes:
Sales agents should not just be standing around trying to look pretty. If you're selling something, you should know just about everything there is to know about it. Lazy-ass sales people drive me nuts, and do not deserve whatever pay they are getting. Conversely I love a well-informed sales person who has extensive knowledge and some pride in the objects they sell. The more one knows about a (quality) product, the better a selling job one can do on it.

Way, way, way off topic here, but just as an aside...

The salesguy at Cube Lofts on College Street completely impressed me with his level of knowledge and passion for the building he was trying to sell. Sales people should go in there to see how he does it.
Sales agents should not just be standing around trying to look pretty. If you're selling something, you should know just about everything there is to know about it. Lazy-ass sales people drive me nuts, and do not deserve whatever pay they are getting. Conversely I love a well-informed sales person who has extensive knowledge and some pride in the objects they sell. The more one knows about a (quality) product, the better a selling job one can do on it.


Lazy is different from not being told certain information, and I'm sure even if the sales people wanted to know certain things, the developer may want to keep those things either secret, or they don't beleive that the sales people need to know them. I know this has happened with me in certain sales jobs I held years ago. Not always the sales person who is lazy, sometimes its the busy developer who is not communicating all information.
Sales agents should not just be standing around trying to look pretty. If you're selling something, you should know just about everything there is to know about it. Lazy-ass sales people drive me nuts, and do not deserve whatever pay they are getting. Conversely I love a well-informed sales person who has extensive knowledge and some pride in the objects they sell. The more one knows about a (quality) product, the better a selling job one can do on it.


This is exactly why I dislike talking to the sales people at the Apple Store :p.

I totally agree with you.
^^I'll grant you, of course, that it would be the developers fault in some cases that sales agents did not know everything. Hopefully that would be because of oversights in passing information along, and not in actively trying to hide certain info from potential purchasers.

In the end, a well informed sales agent speaks well of the whole organization, so it is in the best interest of the developer to have well-trained sales staff.

^Apple sales staff don't have to be perfect, as the products already are!!!!!!

Sales agents should not just be standing around trying to look pretty. If you're selling something, you should know just about everything there is to know about it. Lazy-ass sales people drive me nuts, and do not deserve whatever pay they are getting. Conversely I love a well-informed sales person who has extensive knowledge and some pride in the objects they sell. The more one knows about a (quality) product, the better a selling job one can do on it.


dispite what you see in renderings it is often the case that these things have not been decided at this point. Look at BA which was supposed to have LED's but no now. Anyone who decides to live in a building based upon the lights on top is a different king of buyer/investor.
