Is something from last year really relevant?

What's your problem? Koz was asking about the old rumour about the additional height for Aura, and I provided relevant information, reposting the story for the benefit of those who had not seen it the first time around. The information is still relevant, since there has been nothing to indicate that the developer has changed their mind about the height increase, and in fact Bisonblight at SSC has recently indicated that they are still asking for an increase.
Moreover, should someone with 60 posts be asking someone with 500 to justify themselves?

The article was well-received Mongo - thanks for re-posting.
If only the other two or three corners of that intersection can be developed.

No! Re-loved, but not torn down. The N/E corner's Jewelery Exchange/Coronet Theatre can go but the south corners should stay
No! Re-loved, but not torn down. The N/E corner's Jewelery Exchange/Coronet Theatre can go but the south corners should stay

I agree 100%. The Jewelery store is hideous but the south east and south west corners just been some TLC. But the south-east side of the whole Yonge strip is problematic and grimey, especially if one is looking to redevelop the intersection. I personally like the gross and seedy character of this intersection partly because it is close to home and partly because it is a neighbourhood in the city. But as Ryerson redevelops and takes over Yonge, there is little doubt that the whole "Downtown Yonge" strip from College to Dundas will be tidied up, scrubbed down and gentrified in the next decade or two. But until then, this corner will still be the best place in Toronto to go pick up dime bags of oregano from the pot dealers (lurking outside of Big Slice) or to watch visitors walk superfast in fear past Remmingtons and Evergreen before the reach safety at Zanibar and the old Sam's building.
I agree 100%. The Jewelery store is hideous but the south east and south west corners just been some TLC. But the south-east side of the whole Yonge strip is problematic and grimey, especially if one is looking to redevelop the intersection. I personally like the gross and seedy character of this intersection partly because it is close to home and partly because it is a neighbourhood in the city. But as Ryerson redevelops and takes over Yonge, there is little doubt that the whole "Downtown Yonge" strip from College to Dundas will be tidied up, scrubbed down and gentrified in the next decade or two. But until then, this corner will still be the best place in Toronto to go pick up dime bags of oregano from the pot dealers (lurking outside of Big Slice) or to watch visitors walk superfast in fear past Remmingtons and Evergreen before the reach safety at Zanibar and the old Sam's building.

Hahaha...your post made me laugh towards the end. Who else hates waking past Evergreen? All those street youth look up to no good. Most of them all look like lowlifes just standing on the street. You just don't feel comfortable walking past this in fear of being robbed.
Hahaha...your post made me laugh towards the end. Who else hates waking past Evergreen? All those street youth look up to no good. Most of them all look like lowlifes just standing on the street. You just don't feel comfortable walking past this in fear of being robbed.

I don't like the reference to people being referred to as lowlife. That said, I think it's only be a matter of time before Evergreen is relocated off the strip and out of the tourists line of vision as this area undergoes gentrification in the next 3 or 4 years. Assuming Aura gets built.
