Imperial sucks. Use Metric.

243 meters, that's a nice height. Certainly this and 1BE will give rise to "three" cores of height within the east-west views of the skyline.
I personally prefer metric, but there are a lot of "imperialists" on this board. The same list with metric measurements instead:

First Canadian Place - 298m 72 floors
Trump International - 282m 57 floors
Aura (RoCP III) - 280m 85 floors
1 Bloor East - 278m 80 floors
Scotia Plaza - 275m 68 floors


If Aura does end up nudging the 280 metre mark... solely via the height of it's roof... it shall be the tallest new building in the city.

Thought I'd open up the flagpole/roof element can 'o worms.

Definitely bigger than Trumpski. ;-)


BEFORE (left): Much of the original plan for the 75-storey tower at Yonge and Gerrard Sts. survived the design review. AFTER (right): The review led to a repositioning of the tower, a taller podium and more emphasis on how it meets the street.

Toronto Star
I definitely like the newer style better when you compare them side by side like that.
Yeah, the base on the new tower is definitely a major improvement, however I still have some reservations about the horizontal elements on the bottom half of the base. They look like they'll be of the same material and colour of RoCP1 and 2's base. I suppose that's there to try and help integrate it with College Park.

As for the tower, it looks nice. Assuming the balconies are fully glass then it should all mesh together well.
Does anyone else find it intresting how the base of the rendering looks like its during the night, while the rest of the tower is set in the daytime?

So what is holding the back from adding the additional 10 floors, as it seems like everybody is 'for' the idea?

Well, to skim on stone cladding when they can afford low-iron glass is pretty criminal...
Are you suggesting that the materials used on the base of phases 1 and 2 is a good idea for this building? Or perhaps by skim you mean 'cheap out' on the stone as apposed to using the good stuff?
Does anyone else find it intresting how the base of the rendering looks like its during the night, while the rest of the tower is set in the daytime?

So what is holding the back from adding the additional 10 floors, as it seems like everybody is 'for' the idea?

Just the usual long drawn-out negotiating and bureaucratic posturing nonsense. The city wants as much as they can get; the developer wants to give as little as he has to; the city gives in first; and the developer gets want he wants all along and all he has to do is plant two shrubs somewhere!

Yes! Those renderings always put the building in its best light, even if its best light is darkness. With all those tall buildings in that area, that podium will always be in the shade.

I have to say though, I like the new rendering as well. This building will be a real tribute to the city.
From the website, here is the base/podium:


I believe that is the north side of Aura.
The building looks really nice, the podium reminds me of 1 bloor but more "blocky" looking. I do prefer the relative simplicity of 1 bloor more though
Thankfully it looks like most of the arcade is gone on Yonge / Gerrard. I'm a little disappointed that more attention wasn't paid to the S.E. corner (current renderings). From a big anchor retailer's perspective you would think that they would want a stronger presence, especially if they are going to fill 17,000m2 of retail (more than 1 retailer) and not just your typical dry cleaner / convenience store. I guess there aren't too many options for large floor plates in the area though...

The scale is interesting in the before / after renderings (in the Star) the 'after' makes ROCP2 look massive in comparison to the 'before' making the 75 stories seem comfortable...illusion?

From a 'big-picture' perspective, the more people that move to this area the better. Hopefully this along with other projects on Yonge (Toronto Life Square, Ryerson-Sam) help act as a catalyst.
