Could anyone tell me how many underground levels they've completed so far? The progress is impressive.
Whenever this one reaches ground level, we'll be talking excitment. - This is THE GAMECHANGER.

Talking excitement? More like talking about how it's going so slow, and people asking what's taking so long, and how it's seemingly not moving, followed by people wondering if construction has stopped, etc. The podium for this one is going to take a long time, before the tower really starts to go up.
Watching this one at ground level will be more exciting than watching a hole. Of course depending on what type of hole you're looking at.
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Watching this one at ground level will be more exciting that watching a hole. Of course depending on what type of hole you're looking at.

Exactly, SL's been very exciting lately and I'm sure Aura's gonna follow the same pattern.
Talking excitement? More like talking about how it's going so slow, and people asking what's taking so long, and how it's seemingly not moving, followed by people wondering if construction has stopped, etc. The podium for this one is going to take a long time, before the tower really starts to go up.

It always does amaze me though, once they get past the podium and start to use basically the same floor plan for every floor, how quickly they start to rise. Seems like they take forever to get to the 3rd floor, but once they hit that, it just starts to shoot up like crazy.
Could anyone tell me how many underground levels they've completed so far? The progress is impressive.

I was working there today. I think they're working on the 3rd one right now.

I've got a picture from my cell but I'll be damned if I know how to post photos on this board.
The west side of the site depicted in the first 2 pics is supposed to get the 3rd crane on Dec. 1



the concrete in the middle of that third picture is ridiculous. Its like the walls of a fortress - 5' thick easily.
