As everyone knows, I don't care for this project. But I can certainly agree that thedeepend is being insufferable in this thread. I'm actually surprised he hasn't been removed yet.
SAOCDD (Seasonal Affective Obsessive Construction Development Disorder) always seems to get worse in the summer. Or winter. It's difficult to say when because results from studies are inclusive about the time of year it's most likely to set in.
Ok no need to get all harrumphing “snobby resident pro photographer”, “you should have used a Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 200-400mm f/4G ED VR II Lens”, tut-tut "impossibly grainy" on me etc. Why are these posts always about shooting the messenger? Who cares about the quality of this image? Should I have applied a cheesy HDR effect? Instagram it with a nostalgic Kodachrome look perhaps? You clearly have no idea what my motives are. It’s a crop and yes an extremely tight crop, one designed to highlight another absolutely inexcusable botch by the talentless hacks who have foisted this POS eyesore on the city.

Not going to post anything as over the top as thedeepend, so anyone hoping for a dramatic internet fight can move on to the next post/thread/latte/etc,.

The point I am trying to make is that the image used doesn't highlight anything. It isn't a matter of me being a snob, it just does nothing for your point and litters the forum when you post a blurry image to prove a point about sub-par architecture. We all know what you think of Aura, and many of us, including myself, agree with you. You are playing a song I like, but the record is broken. Even a point you agree with can get tiresome after a couple hundred times.
Well, I’m not going to argue about it, but I completely disagree. That photo, however imperfect, is the first good look we’ve had at something that was discussed here in-depth a few week back.

Taken just now:
Didn't realize how bad the patch on north-east corner at the setback looks. Sadly, it cannot be unseen. It doesn't even try to be apart of the design element. The south side of the building is definitely the best-looking.
I'd be sincerely interested to hear the architects explain their choices here. I'm a layperson, and even I can tell this thing is a bungle.
That NE patch must be temporary.
Lets not panic over an unfinished building.. let it be fully built first, or for a few months after that even. Give them a chance, as things can go wrong and maybe it truely is temporary. as we all know its not a part of the design.
While I generally have been a defender of this building, that spandrel patch really is bad.
I'm sure it's just temporary. I can't see them leaving it.
What would suggest it is temporary? Why would you clad three stories only to redo the whole process a short time later?
To close in the building, so work can be done inside. Defective glass is used for just this purpose, and then replaced later.

Ok, well there it is. It’s clearly not being replaced. How do we feel about that?

For me the point is, do we really expect the good DSLR photographers SMT, Drum etc, on this site to go to the trouble of documenting issues like this? No. They are interested in creating attractive and dramatic images. Fine. But there are at present probably 100 ‘beauty shots’ of this thing posted for every one image showing its flaws. So I don’t get where the defensiveness comes from. Unless your Dad is the architect I wouldn’t take it too hard.
I have to agree, that spandrel on teh northern side just before the upper setback is dreadful. Anyone know why they used it there? Run out of the other glass or something?
There was a passionate complaint about repetitious posting just a few pages ago from...

you've said this 800 times--we know it's not finished.

its ironic that you keep insisting that a building this poorly, cheaply and incompetently finished needs to be uh, 'finished' for you to judge it.

the 'finished' project will mean 78 floors of the same cheap finishes now adorning the 60-odd floors that are there already. its only going to get worse, not better.

I myself wouldn't join the complaints about thedeepend. He provides some wonderful entertainment.
Was the construction worker's name ever released to the public? Is there also a reason why Aura is not using a climbing wind wall on this section? Other towers of lesser height such as L Tower, 300 Front and currently Theatre Park have all employed one. Who installed here may have saved a life.
Was the construction worker's name ever released to the public? Is there also a reason why Aura is not using a climbing wind wall on this section? Other towers of lesser height such as L Tower, 300 Front and currently Theatre Park have all employed one. Who installed here may have saved a life.

At a guess, people involved in the matter are being very careful about what they state publicly or the new they release because of the likelihood of lawsuits. That may be a reason for the paucity of information about the circumstances of this tragic fall. They may be keeping the name confidential out of respect for the family.
At a guess, people involved in the matter are being very careful about what they state publicly or the new they release because of the likelihood of lawsuits. That may be a reason for the paucity of information about the circumstances of this tragic fall. They may be keeping the name confidential out of respect for the family.

His name and photo were in The Star on 23 August. "Kevin Raposo, 29, fell from the 70th floor of a condo building in downtown Toronto and died Friday. "
His name and photo were in The Star on 23 August. "Kevin Raposo, 29, fell from the 70th floor of a condo building in downtown Toronto and died Friday. "

Yes, thanks! Very sad for his family and friends.
SAOCDD (Seasonal Affective Obsessive Construction Development Disorder) always seems to get worse in the summer. Or winter. It's difficult to say when because results from studies are inclusive about the time of year it's most likely to set in.

That's hilarious! :)

Well, I’m not going to argue about it, but I completely disagree. That photo, however imperfect, is the first good look we’ve had at something that was discussed here in-depth a few week back.

I'm taking thedeepend's side here, it is the first closeup shot (ya, it's not the best) that offers views of the random lines and mismatched glass on the east and north sides of Aura.
