I was wondering what you meant when you said it was a historical reference (as the only one I could think of was that Daniels used it as the ridiculous name for one of theirs, recently completed up at Bayview and Sheppard.

Removed from the list above!

Yah, clearly an increasingly dumb joke. I just think "Merci" has to be one of the worst condo names ever used.
Fawlty Tower is my contribution, although Brit comedy references aside, this may not be the best name from a marketing standpoint (both because of the double entendre, and because the hotel on which the reference is based can hardly boast a clean customer service record).

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while this is all extremely entertaining I only hope they actually have atleast one usable name in the top 10. Surely they have retained a team of lawyers to give them excuses to skip over / eliminate the ridiculous, derivative and offensive names!
Frankly, I love all the joke entries for this condo...except the really offensive ones that will get disqualified anyway. It's what the condo marketing industry deserves after hoisting names on us like Success Tower or Bohemian Embassy – or the condos named after every city on Earth no matter how inappropriate. Even if they're ridiculous, most of these names would be far more fun and unique than all those focus-grouped "lifestyle" names condo marketers come up with.

If they tried to mobilize the public with a "name our condo" contest as a marketing ploy, they must have been aware of the potential consequences. Besides, how awesome would it be to say you live at "Jackie Chan's Operation Condo"?
Frankly, I love all the joke entries for this condo...except the really offensive ones that will get disqualified anyway. It's what the condo marketing industry deserves after hoisting names on us like Success Tower or Bohemian Embassy – or the condos named after every city on Earth no matter how inappropriate. Even if they're ridiculous, most of these names would be far more fun and unique than all those focus-grouped "lifestyle" names condo marketers come up with.

If they tried to mobilize the public with a "name our condo" contest as a marketing ploy, they must have been aware of the potential consequences. Besides, how awesome would it be to say you live at "Jackie Chan's Operation Condo"?

Of course they knew. Read their fine print for entering the contest. :rolleyes:
Saturn on The Esplanade - http://www.nameourcondo.com/entry/726

Saturn is the Roman god of agriculture and harvest, thus paying homage to the St. Lawrence Market. (He is also father of Ceres, Jupiter, Pluto, and Neptune.) Many things revolve around Saturn, shopping, restaurants, major transportation hubs. Saturn is located at the centre of your universe! The elliptical shape of the tower draws the night sky, the city and everybody towards it. Saturn on The Esplanade evokes the spirit of the market and the pulse of the ever moving city. A new landmark condominium residence. "Life Revolves Around Saturn"

