Maybe they're taking my advice and coming up with a list for people to vote on rather than taking submissions.
A barage of more joke-name infiltration?

Cityzen should just pick the good names from the top 100, and judged by an expert panel (marketing, architects, designers, brokers, execs from the development team, etc.).
It was such a good idea to begin with and was cool to get the public involved, but when you are dealing with the web, there will be hackers and jokers out there (or lonely people who have nothing better to do).
The website is back up.
I suggest people make comments (good and bad) on the top 10 or 20 that you feel strongly about. Hopefully that would make Cityzen (and other voters) consider some of the other names beyond the top 10.
There should be some constructive criticisms on the voting page.

Moments later:
Ha, no that unpronouncable volcano name has been eliminated!
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Hi everyone, we are trying to honour Garry Valk by having this building named after him?


Well, yes he was a Maple Leaf, and played his guts out, receiving little credit, but he also did a ton of charity work in Toronto, raising awareness of different causes and often appearing in public with charities to try and attract volunteers and donors. He was well known while in Toronto for bringing great attention to Canadian Blood Services to raise blood donations for accident victims, specifically children.

So - please, as you get multiple votes, gives a few to Garry Valk Plaza. The contest may not have been the greatest idea by the developer, but Valk deserves this sort of attention from Torontonians. So far we have heard the Valk campaign mentioned on The Score and 102.1 The Edge Toronto.

Garry Valk Plaza - Garry would vote for you if you were trying to win this contest.

Thank you!!!
Ugh this thread has turned into a popularity contest. People only posting to advertise their name so they can win. People that have only joined for that purpose, and will probably never post here again.
Ugh this thread has turned into a popularity contest. People only posting to advertise their name so they can win. People that have only joined for that purpose, and will probably never post here again.

I don't mind it too much. I would never have known who this Garry Valk was otherwise.
Ugh this thread has turned into a popularity contest. People only posting to advertise their name so they can win. People that have only joined for that purpose, and will probably never post here again.

I don't know about that. I for one had been on here many times, just never posted. I figured when people mentioned the entry I might as well explain what it was about. Otherwise, if you don't know who Garry Valk is, it just seems silly.

So that's why folks should vote for Valk. It's a good cause.

I'm curious whether this will last though, I have to believe they may cancel the whole thing.
Yeah, and how many posts were there trying to convince us all to vote for Urban Toronto Tower? That was far more annoying than hear credible name suggestions explained. I didn't know who Gary Valk was before.
Hahaha, I'm going through the names alphabetically and there are so many gems once you get to 'condo'. Condo-Leeza Rice, Condolences, 'Condo, James Condo', Condon'taze Mibro. Good times.
The subject matter of tihs name this condo context sides more with real estate discussion than development

Any movement on site?
The subject matter of tihs name this condo context sides more with real estate discussion than development

I thought that too. There is no discussion on the building and site, little details on the development and the discussion revolves around the skewed voting system and wierd entries.
The whole tread should be moved to Real Estate discussion, and as more details emerge on this developmet a new tread should be made on the Projects & Construction section.

The website is down again. The online voting was a bad and unfair idea to begin with. Cityzen has good intensions by getting the public involved (and also a good marketing strategy), but having people spaming their entry via Facebook, Twitter, etc. has gotten out of hand and unfortunately knocked a lot of the great and appropriate entries out of the running.
it seems to be up again... looks like they've deleted many of the more offensive names.

I think its funny how many have suggested names of condos that already exist... Infintiy, Shangrila, Verve, Aura etc... which should have also been eliminated due to copyright issues.
Hello all!
I am a new member of Urbantoronto however I have been visiting this site for quite some time now. I always considered creating a username and now I felt that I had to in order to relay my message to you all. I am running in a online competition hosted by which I am sure all of you have heard of by now. I feel my entry is one of the strongest names i came across while browsing through the possible names. I have chosen NeXXus Condominiums and my rational for the choosing this name is as follows: "Deriving from the word "Nexus" which means to bond or connecting. The NeXXus Condominiums are situated at an intersection connecting the worlds longest street (Yonge St)to Toronto's most vibrant area (St. Lawrence district) and on a grander scale rural to urban."
Please vote for me at:
You can vote for more than one entry and you can vote every 24 hours. I would appreciate the help and will return the favour to any others that are competing as well.
Best wishes!

