Senior Member
Here is Bauhaus in context, with other nearby developments:
April, 2018
The development team filed an Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) appeal last November with respect to the construction of this proposed 30-storey building. It is anticipated a hearing date will be scheduled 12-18 months following the appeal date.
It has had more than one owner, and Lamb didn't submit an application until a year and a half ago.Ten years later this is still being discussed in hearings. Wow.
Of course Lamb *increases* an already aggressive project's density and height. I'm sure this is heading straight to the board like all of his other projects.. and given the approval timelines and the fact he's already gone into sales - I imagine that it'll get a cancellation and rebranding like all his other recent projects as well.
I like it. Can't believe straightforward infill development like this gets tied up at the board. This is a big part of why housing is so expensive here. City staff are wasting their time and public resources opposing files like this. Let's get on with it.
Read the revised planning rationale. This is in response to other recent approvals with greater height in the area. Do you blame a developer for going to the Board when simple infill housing is opposed despite numerous precedents in the immediate area?