One thing I really love about this forum is how much I learn everyday. Interchange, you really know a lot and it's such a privilege to have access to some of your knowledge! Thank you! :D

Well, real estate agent Andrew Lafleur at has screwed that image up somewhat hilariously, as well as most of the rest of the info on that page. That's an early image of what became King + Condos. That was TACT, and the first redevelopment there was to be called Bauhaus in, like, the 1800s or something. Catch up Andrew!

Ward 28 - Tor & E.York District

Zoning By-law Amendment to permit the construction of a 30-storey residential mixed-use building, with a height of 95.05 metres (101.05 metres including the mechanical penthouse), containing 205 residential units and 177 square metres (1,905 square feet) of retail space on the ground floor.
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---
Type Number Date Submitted Status
Rezoning 17 175826 STE 28 OZ Jun 8, 2017 Under Review
30 stories? Yeah, right. Talk about chutzpah.
25 Ontario Street is going for 103m vs the 101.5m here, and that one was resubmitted with some minor revisions in March. The response may give us some idea as to how much height might be approved here.

New application for 30 storey building at 284 King St. E. 8 storey podium and 22 storey tower.

I know the existing building on the property has a driveway (maybe two?) but with the proposed King Street Transit Pilot Project the city should not be approving any new developments that maintain or add driveways or parking entrances on King.

Yes, in its current form the pilot project doesn't extend this far but if successful it could be expanded further east.
I'm fascinated to see how the City is going to respond to such a blatant disregard for the separation distances they seek. There's 3.5m between this and 25 Ontario, and all of it is on the latter's property. There's also an ethical question regarding Bousfields' report since while it does acknowledge the 25 Ontario application on a number of occasions, it omits it entirely in the 'Separation Distances' section.

With the board increasingly siding with the city on these issues, I wonder if Brad's method will finally see an impenetrable challenge.
If this even gets to the board before the whole thing is abolished, that is. The province seems to be moving pretty quick to get rid of it.
there are also some 0m setback windows on the west side. I could forsee some code issues regarding window light unless he can get a limiting distance agreement with SAS next door. There are bedrooms that appear to rely on them to meet their natural light requirements. Nevermind the additional cost of windows facing a property line with less than a 5.5m distance separation.
