The original foundation was in the location of the west tower.

Original foundation was mid-block where the current courtyard is. The west tower was built along Bay where two older buildings previously existed. They were torn down for the west tower.
This has probably been answered already, but will this tower be constructed using the same method as the west tower? If so, construction could move quickly once it's above ground. It would be nice to see another steel frame building go up.







Thanks for the pics, CanadianNational.
A new giant mobile crane is being assembled this morning, and a smaller mobile crane arrived as well, right next to it.
Are those steam vents staying put?

Yes. As you can see, they have constructed the steel framework for the new podium building around the existing mechanicals.

Photo from today... my apologies. Photobucket really lowered the quality when it resized it:

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This has probably been answered already, but will this tower be constructed using the same method as the west tower? If so, construction could move quickly once it's above ground. It would be nice to see another steel frame building go up.

According to one of the workers on site, it will be a steel frame building. The lifting requirements for the steel girders are such that a specific type of crane / crane capacity is required, not one of the typical cranes readily available. It should be approximately two to three months before the crane arrives and gets installed.
Nice to see that pomo piece of crap coming down.

That pomo section was the only part of the original Bay Adelaide left (save for the parking garage). Considering the history of this project it should have remained.
It does strike me as a waste of a building that wasn't very old. I always thought it was attractive enough in any case.
