Walked through on Wednesday on my way to lunch. Really beautiful. Some observations:
1. The raised park/gravel under the mural is very nice and a much better feature than the sunken cement benches, but it's not an off-leash area at all. I hope dog owners treat it with respect, but I'm skeptical.
2. The walkway straight out the doors from 33 Yonge has been grassed over, but not raised. They'll need a fence, or that'll be a dirt path by June.
3. Fran's all of a sudden has one of the best patios downtown, and this'll really enhance the Flatiron pub's patio as well.
Yes the dog area is good but will dog owners be responsible? I too am skeptical!
There will be a large children's play sculpture in the middle of the grass 'walkway' opposite exit from 33 Yonge. I think this will act as a deterrent to this becoming a passageway. It is being fabricated and will be installed before the fence is removed. I guess we will see if it works!
In 2017 there will be street work on Wellington that will improve the Flatiron sidewalls on all sides, including Front. See: http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2016.TE20.44 This will further improve the Flatiron Pub's patio.