Great colour (white with black windows/mullions), love the weight/solidity, and how the balconies are shielded and hidden by the pushed out sections. I grew tired of those see through glass exteriors 6 years ago. They offer little sense of permanence.

I'd like to see about ~50 glass condo buildings that went up recently to be re-clad with actual walls like this one. It shouldn't be too long before a heap of them start failing and will need replacing. They can start in City Place.
Updated render from January. Kirkor is the architect of record.


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With all of the these proposals along Dupont…

let's get them going! I'm a little impatient to see at least one of them come to market, preferably—I dunno, three of them. The more the merrier. Let's give the TTC a reason to double the frequency of buses along here.

With all of the these proposals along Dupont…

let's get them going! I'm a little impatient to see at least one of them come to market, preferably—I dunno, three of them. The more the merrier. Let's give the TTC a reason to double the frequency of buses along here.


Hear hear! And let it be this one, as it's really the only semi-exciting design of the bunch proposed for Dupont (save for Bellwoods Brewery if that ever winds up actually happening).
Best thing I've seen from Teeple in the residential realm in awhile. This is fresh. I love the metallic cutaway revealed at the corner entrance, and the geometries of the building and its overall modular appearance are very pleasing.

EDIT: I should add, however, that like with many Toronto projects, the design motif completely dies at ground level. I think it could be improved immensely at grade to reflect what's above.
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Love the metallic gold details on the corner! Into it.

Hopefully the rising population along the Dupont corridor will convince the Feds to get oil tanks off of the CP midtown line :confused:
Somewhat related, there are details of an upcoming meeting on the Dupont corridor study in Mike Layton's latest newsletter:

In December 2013 we conducted a study of the Dupont Corridor in Ward 19 and 20. With the local community, we examined land uses, streetscape improvements, urban design and built form guidelines, transportation options, and the impact of the rail corridor on potential development options. Unfortunately, the final study was appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) by multiple land-owners, who also submitted individual development applications to the OMB. Some applications have been settled by the OMB.

Today, there are still some elements to these applications that the community can provide input on. Join us on May 4th for an update on these developments, as well as to provide input on the public realm design, transportation details, and more.

98 Essex Street Sacre-Coeur Elementary School, Gymansium, 6:30-9:30
