Agreed. The new version looks very 'Manhattan' with the podium narrowing to the tower for its sunlight.
from Cresford's brochure

new ......... VS ......... old


according to the revised BSN website ... the newly added floors are called the 'Celebration Collection' all with 10 foot ceilings ~

Great find. Thanks, Solaris.
that photoshop job you did a while back with the scaled model is in fact VERY accurate compared to the new rendering Casaguy ... COODOSto you too~ :D

I can't help but think that this construction company is either suffering from a worker shortage or they're incredibly disorganized. It seems very odd that they're working on the 23rd floor and there is still no cladding and only a few bricks have been laid... thus delaying the folks who bought here 7 years ago even more. Shouldn't at least a few of the lower floors be well on their way to being finished on the inside?
Beautiful as always Tomms!

Are you guys getting these pictures through legal means, or are you sneaking up there?
/\ C'mon khristopher, use your head.

And...Great photos Redroom and tomms. I was up there a few months ago but never posted my shots...
Stellar shot, Redroom. It'd be cool to see some interior shots... but I imagine you wouldn't want to use your flash for obvious reasons.
Since there doesn't seem to be any decent security on these sites, I'd be tempted to seek out my unbuilt unit and christen it with my wife or girlfriend, plus put some nice personal grafitti on my unit's walls. But that's just me.
So what happened to the West wing units on the top floors that were eliminated?

Did prior purchasers get first dibs to the additional units at the top 6 floors?
casaguy, we do have some interior shots... remember that most of the floors except the very top ones have interior lights on them for the trade workers that are left on at night as you can also see in the picture I posted in the Casa thread. The lights are more than bright enough without a flash and we are usually doing long exposures on tripods anyway. I'll try to post a couple of the best ones soon...
