A couple shots from Hayden Street.



The patterned brickwork looks just a little goofy. Still, not a bad building for 2002.
Thanks for the pics Mike.

I agree with maestro regarding the brick pattern ... I'm not a fan - it looks completely disorganized.

Funny that maestro said 2002 ... wasn't that when this building started sales? :eek:
When is occupany slated for 2010?
I don't like the pattern in the brickwork either, but then new brick always looks a little off. Hopefully time and a few smoggy Toronto summers will blur the sharpness of the contrast a little.
I think it is still early to tell...I am confident that the finished product will come together nicely. Anyone know of approximate move in dates at this point?
...Funny that maestro said 2002 ... wasn't that when this building started sales? :eek:
When is occupany slated for 2010?

Before BSN there was another condo development on that site that got into trouble. I came across this in an old article on failed condo projects from the Toronto Star called 'If it seems too cheap, it is too cheap':

...Others may not fall into receivership, but run into problems and get taken over by another builder, such as Avante, which Cresford Developments took over and relaunched as Bloor Street Neighbourhood....

the podium is 16s, and based on this photo BSN is working on the top (32nd) floor, mechanical floor will be located on top of the Penthhouse floor~

That image is incredible. Thanks for posting. To my surprise, based on the renderings, as built the massing of BSN is actually quite striking. I just wish the cladding was more in dialogue with Casa across the street. Would've made for a dramatic gateway on Charles.
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At 32 stories, it still makes quite the impact, in an otherwise, relatively low-rise area. Casa has 15 stories on BSN. That and X, will make a mini building hub in this part of town. Pretty cool!
