Thanks for the explanation re: the boarded up windows. Now, I wonder how long they'll stay boarded up for?

Anyway, as androiduk stated I've also seen materials being moved in and work happening inside but it seems to be moving slowly.

Originally Posted by dt_toronto_geek

Something is definitely wrong here.

Where should we begin.


Poor BSN....
move in date

A friend bought a unit on the 7th floor and her move in date is currently Dec. 22nd... coincidentally this is the final date they can go without paying penalties.
A friend bought a unit on the 7th floor and her move in date is currently Dec. 22nd... coincidentally this is the final date they can go without paying penalties.

Then we should see balconies finally take shape in the next few weeks, there's no way the Building Inspector will allow the building to pass without them.
^ Well boys & girls, they just started installing the balconies today. They're clear glass with a green metal X spanning the width of the glass. A nice light touch to the exterior.
Either that or they'll just lock the balcony doors

That would have been a new low.

^ Well boys & girls, they just started installing the balconies today. They're clear glass with a green metal X spanning the width of the glass. A nice light touch to the exterior.

Well how about that then! It sounds like what they're installing is similar to what was illustrated in the rendering, "pippypoo" balcony elements (™ US?) . Thanks for the news androiduk :)

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BSN at about 5pm showing the balcony railings. Sorry for the poor quality, I got there a bit too late and the sun was going down. I lightened them up a bit to try and help distinguish the railings.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Nov 20 Visit

By the looks of things, clear glass is been use.

The railing is only up to the 2nd floor on 3 of the 5 sides.



Nice shots ^^^

IMO, the railings look to old-fashioned for my liking... The whole place looks like a garden!
^ Yup, this building has a very casual air about it. I've liked it all along and I like it even better now. A definite contrast to CASA across the street and a welcome addition to the neighbourhood. The dark bricks were supposed to be lighter and are supposedly going to be toned down, which I agree with. I hope they go through with it.
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Looks like the railings have those stunning circles with the ass-cracks just like the features on the cladding.

Looks like the railings have those stunning circles with the ass-cracks just like the features on the cladding.

You seem like such an angry and bitter person.

casaguy has so much to be angry and bitter about including moving into one of the best looking condos in the entire city across the street from here early next year - oh, sorry - that's ME! :rolleyes:
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