This design is sort of like Kraft slices, cheesy good and satisfying in some way that's a little shameful:) It at least has the decency to know its place and defer to Casa which truly is the stunner here.
To me, Tewder summed it up absolutely perfectly!

This design is sort of like Kraft slices, cheesy good and satisfying in some way that's a little shameful:) It at least has the decency to know its place and defer to Casa which truly is the stunner here.

BSN is a little fussy, the tower portion goes wrong and I've been disappointed with some of the materials used but I don't think it's bad, but it's not good. It's just there - basically forgettable. To it's benefit most suites designs range from pretty good to very good with decent sized usable balconies for most units and the building has good facilities. It'll find it's place in the neighbourhoood just fine and in the end will serve to make Casa look even better than it already does when one passes by on the street and inevitably contrasts the two.
I wonder if anyone purchasing a unit at BSN is aware that now and then the TTC runs a very LOUD exhaust fan at the Charles/Hayden parking garage. How loud? You can hear it a block away! (Oh well, perhaps it will drown out the pervasive obnoxious leaf blowers in this neighbourhood. Now there's a good reason to look forward to winter, after all...) :)
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Those who will live in Casa will now see a curved and ribbed top that goes around the top floor of the tower. Now, I don't care either way about this addition, but I DO care that it is a green colour that DOES NOT match the current forest green colour of the rest of the building. Poor, poor execution.
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I'm actually looking at BSN right now and the ribbon thing on the roof does match the rest of the green. My office is around roof level with BSN and very close so I'm certain of this. I'm really glad they painted it because I saw them sticking it on there last week in metal colour and I thought "oh geeze"...I don't know why it's being painted once installed...sounds like a tricky job to do. Anyways, it's turning out to help this building a little in the looks department.
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This coffered ceiling is a very nice touch for BSN. The project is moving along very quickly now. Hoarding is down, front doors have been installed, new sidewalk has been put in out front and the balconies are being installed at a nice clip. I'm guessing we should see moving trucks in the next 4 or 5 weeks.

This coffered ceiling is a very nice touch for BSN. The project is moving along very quickly now. Hoarding is down, front doors have been installed, new sidewalk has been put in out front and the balconies are being installed at a nice clip. I'm guessing we should see moving trucks in the next 4 or 5 weeks.

Make that 4-5 days. Friend who bought there is moving in the 23rd, and they are on the 7th floor... makes me wonder if some of the lower floors have already moved in. Personally I wouldn't want to be moving into a building with this much construction still going on.
^ Thanks for the info, that's great. I was basing my estimate on the balcony progress. I think they're up to the 3rd floor. They're going to have to move pretty fast to meet that deadline.

Looks like the railings have those stunning circles with the ass-cracks just like the features on the cladding.

Sorry, I am a month post. ever! That said, it doesn't bother me nearly as much as the clearly visible screwheads on the railings/balcony dividers. Honestly - bare alumninium (??) over dark green isn't exactly a recipe for staying hidden. And those dividers look real cheap as well unfortunately - almost like some bargain basement shower door where you know the paint will flake off in a few years. Ick.

Looks like they have light fixture rough-ins located in the coffered ceiling and along the side walls.
I didn't know that this thread had been unlocked.

This week has seen a surprising amount of activity, I wonder if Cresford got a cash infusion from somewhere to ramp things up here. It's been dilly-dally each time I walk by since late summer/early fall until last week. Now the site is a beehive of activity.

Make that 4-5 days. Friend who bought there is moving in the 23rd, and they are on the 7th floor... makes me wonder if some of the lower floors have already moved in.

Your friend is moving in on December 23rd? Last Sunday the site was closed and fenced off.
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Dec 17th

The balcony installations are moving along quickly

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