Let's not forget that Bloor has only been a luxe avenue for a relatively short time -- it really only became high end starting in the seventies.

Though the tony uptown rudiments had existed beforehand--Holt Renfrew, for instance, had existed here since the mid-1950s...
Though the tony uptown rudiments had existed beforehand--Holt Renfrew, for instance, had existed here since the mid-1950s...

i'm guessing that the relocation of Holt's (and probably Creeds) is what catalyzed the transformation of Bloor. Even in the early 1970s it wasn't that upscale (I remember being taken to Scott's Chicken Villa for a birthday party when I was a kid).
"And of course, Woolworth's existed where Holt Renfrew *presently* stands."

I believe it was Zeller's

Construction Update

June 17, 2010

Bloor Street Transformation Update

Night Time Work:

The City of Toronto has advised us, that in order to minimize delay and the impact of daytime grid lock, during the G20 summit, the contractor will be performing night work on Bloor Street as follows:

* Bellair Street to Bay Street (North Side), week of June 21st

* West of Bellair Street (North Side), week of June 28th

Ongoing Work:

The granite work on the south boulevard, between Yonge Street and Avenue Road, is nearing completion, with minor works outstanding. Installation of the planters will follow, however, the paving detail, immediately surrounding the tree pits, cannot be completed until the trees are installed. A skid resistant board will cover the tree pits, in the interim.

At this time, the City has indicated that the north boulevard, between Bay Street and Yonge Street , should be completed by mid to late-August. Hydro vault work and excavation will continue west of Bay Street over the coming weeks.
by me

The granite pavers on the south side from Yonge to Avenue Road consistently go right up to the building fronts, give or take a couple of inches. The exceptions are the Manulife Centre, The Colonade and Club Monaco which is somewhat more consistent than east of Yonge Street. Hopefully these three major properties will work the pavers into their budgets in the next year or so.
Great shot androiduk! Bloor is looking almost unrecognizeable, maybe the long wait was worth it...
I love the new look of Bloor with the granite which looks smashing and those new planters and trees. Pity more of your streets can't look like this. My one gripe which is a general complaint about litter, is that people tarnish the beauty of plants and trees by tossing their cigarette butts there.
I love the new look of Bloor with the granite which looks smashing and those new planters and trees. Pity more of your streets can't look like this. My one gripe which is a general complaint about litter, is that people tarnish the beauty of plants and trees by tossing their cigarette butts there.

And discarded chewing gum
Great shot, Android. It doesn't look like a Toronto street at all... too beautiful! I'm impressed. See what a little TLC can do?
And discarded chewing gum

Very true. I tend to forget this. The butts are just much noticable since they're everywhere where you find people. I remember a time when people actually used their ashtrays in their cars as opposed to just throwing butts out the window as is the norm now. Even my father started doing this....
As much as I love black granite, which I do, my only concern is that it'll look barren in the winter. I hope they fill the planters with winter displays, evergreens and other things of the sort. If not, the stretch will lose much of the richness it has now.
