Think of the poor stupid people. The ones who see the electric fence, see the warning about the electric fence, need to hop over an obstacle to get to the electric fence, and still they go and touch the electric fence. Can't we just get rid of electric fences for the stupid people? How are the stupid people going to know to stop spitting gum on the ground when it is obvious that you don't do it in your own home, that people don't like gum on their shoes, that there are garbage pails for garbage, and the law is so well publicized? Can we go soft on the stupid gum spitters? So that we can say we are a tolerant society, let people use public space like their own personal trash can.

I don't think we should be caning people or tazing them, put I sure would like to see a lot more $2000 fines being handed out... even for cigarette butts. I wonder what sort of evidence is required by Singapore law that someone spit gum or littered? Do we need to give officers a $200 commission for each littering fine that sticks?
What we need to do is re-educate people and try and get society to frown again upon some behaviour that was once unacceptable. Like littering and spitting gum out and all that. If my mother had caught me throwing litter on the street or spitting out my gum, it would not have been pleasant.....
A day in the life of the new Bloor St.


I love the granite and the width but the trees look sadly thin and the planters look cheap.
Why have they not incorporated more benches into the design? Only a very few of those planters have benches, so people have started sitting on the tiny edges of the planters, crushing the plants that spill over the sides. People need to sit and enjoy the atmosphere or stop for a rest every now and then. (especially old farts like me) I don't know why they didn't just put a nice granite slab on all of those planters. (like the ones in the pic above)
Working hard laying granite if front of Zara and HMV today. Poor bastards in the 40-degree heat. Looks like that section will be done fairly quickly.
Apparently these trees, though planted in large Silva cell beds, are going to have a hard time growing to full size because they rely solely on runoff water... and the drain which is designed to distribute water along the length of the bed is so narrow that it will likely get blocked up in a few years by cigarettes, gum and other trash that will inevitably get stuck in it... This was the opinion of a silva cell expert I spoke to who was bemoaning the insufficient consultation of landscape architects in the design of this project (who I suppose would have proposed a french drain or something wider to allow more water runoff into the planting beds.

Time will tell, I guess.
^^ That's pretty discouraging and, if true, another way in which the project was bungled.
You can already tell there's something wrong with the trees. It's July - they should be full of leaves but instead, they look like an old man who's hair is thinning. Something is not right.
Street trees in Toronto need a lot of water to seep down to the roots. This is not adequate.
