
I love the renderings, but something tells me any future stadium expansion will be more "Square" than round.
BMO is a soccer stadium. It would be ruined if it had to cater to both the Argos and TFC since the field dimensions are different. If the Argos moved in then there goes the soccer atmosphere that has made it the top soccer stadium in North America

At different times...the atmosphere would not change, only the field would and would be changed back and forth depending on the sport. It would have no effect on crowds, aside from making a better place to play CFL ball. Nothing would be ruined though, I'm not sure why you think anything would get ruined. Other stadiums have done this for years.
Good job Wylie. I'll sneak this on to the desk of some of those involved ;)

Your plan is actually quite doable but I think the North rounded stand is the weak point in your idea. It would be quite difficult to shoehorn a single tier on to that land, let alone three.

The Food building stands in the way of that idea. In alternative, a second and third tier could be added to the south stand.

The roof, which I believe you meant to be self supported is a great idea and works well with the modular structure of BMO Field. Maybe we could get Will Alsop to make a funky and inexpensive roof – He's known to conciliate both quite well (i.e. OCAD).
Why not build "into" the Food building? I am sure some way could be found to integrate the two together - after all, the stands would rise high above any food stalls below - and still preserve the streamline architecture of the place.

Well, unless the F O O D lettering is seen as a heritage element (and as I've said, it's certainly an important part of the BMO Field backdrop, much like Citgo is to Fenway).

Then again, they could resurrect the Food Building's long-gone shiny steel Trylon in super-form and attach some Calatravaesque structural gymnastics to it...
Yeah - that kinda thing.

Why not?

Speaking of which, the July 1st game vs Vancouver (for the Canadian Championship and qualifications for the Champions League) may be one of your best bets on getting tickets to a TFC game and seeing the reds in action.
I noticed people calling them the Reds at the last game I was at. It keeps making me think of communists. Are all soccer players communists?
