August community newsletter out

Arrived in our mailbox this week. A couple of tidbits: The blue and white coverings between the glass floor to ceiling windows in the curtain wall protect zinc panels. This place will really shine when they unveil it! And the restoration of the old jail proceeds apace. They're going to preserve some of the detailing behind glass panels.

And, while I was trying to find out more about when the 'new' jail comes down, it seems it will transfer the last prisoners to the South Etobicoke behemoth in about 18 months, so hospital completion and jail destruction should both be in 2013.
Wow, I've been watching this building go up over the last while from my current view facing east and I was wondering what the heck it is. I had NO idea it was the actual Bridgepoint Hospital development. I thought it was something to do with Regent Park development because I can see it and then take a look a bit south of it where I can see all the new buildings going up in Regent Park, it looks almost like it's in the same neighbourhood, at least from my exposure ... and I reckoned it was the same massive redevelopment. It even looked kind of nouveau-Regent Park-ish. But wow ... I should take some snaps and post them.
What really strikes me about this building is how much it projects into the valley, compared to the old building. It's very noticeable from the viaduct -- it seems to loom over the valley, and in not an entirely pleasing way.
It's not entirely finished of course, and buildings don't tend to loom quite so much when they are clad with reflective materials.
It's not entirely finished of course, and buildings don't tend to loom quite so much when they are clad with reflective materials.
True, but the new building extends much farther into the valley than the old one, and it less hidden by the trees at its lower floors. There really are no other buildings near it that protrude so much.
I don't disagree with you, but as an entirely selfish Riverdalian, the fact we're getting more park and the hospital is being shifted over to beside the DVP is great.

Until, of course, all the new buildings get developed...
The new building certainly doesn't nestle comfortably into the landscape like the old one - it's more of a low, horizontal entity that echoes the general form of the park.

by me from Sep 8 2011
I tend to agree -- I wasn't against this project initially, but seeing how much it intrudes in to the valley and dominates the area, I'm of a different opinion now.
This is the first time I seen a view of the building that wasn't positive. I believe it's the context of the picture that is off-putting, the squaring off and tight focus. For the most part, the appearance of the building, be it going north or south on the DVP has a weight and presence that fits well with the existing hospital and jail buildings. Unlike some of the condo projects that protrude awkwardly from the valley, for some reason I've never questioned the presence of this one. The massing and shear size of it all seems to work and for some reason not dominate it's surroundings. Riverdale Park and the valley has always been pretty sacroscant to me and I've welcomed the introduction of something other than the slightly creepy curved aging hospital buildings that are there. It feels vastly more designed than institutional, which it could easily have been.
I disagree -- it seems very out of place when looking south from the Prince Edward Viaduct, like it is the only building in the whole valley. It really does dominate the prospect, in way that the further-set-back and shorter original building did not.
Look at how the hospital massing sets a precedent against the backdrop of Riverdale. Are we seeing the start of a density push across the river? Between Scarborough bluffs and downtown, there is a large march of suburban neighborhoods.
