
i like how tall and contemporary these 3 towers are. it's a crazy cluster and even more crazy how these towers are all new. what a change to an area in such a short time. bay street has the greatest/longest canyon in this town. it's quite balanced too.

yeah I like what is happening to this section of Bay Street near Queen's Park. walking down that stretch is nice, especially with the wide sidewalks and that tower cluster looming in the background.
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I kind of wish there was room for a another couple towers in this group, perhaps other geometric shapes?? A triangle.....rectangle....a starish shape(?) ...and/or an oval? Great towers, and a great addition. They kinda get a little forgotten with all the activity in Yorkville and the Lakefront, yet these are a major addition. Only in Toronto, (Ok, maybe NY).:rolleyes:

Kinda like that kids toy.....(when I was a kid anyway) with the plastic shapes you fit into the sphere. Burano's shape always makes me think of that.
the massing of this tower is finally looking big. the arrangement of the balconies look good in that 2nd shot.
any reason why this tower is so slow going up?
i almost thought i was looking at manhattan for a second there! the lighting was perfect today Jasonzed! the canyon looks great.
this tower's great. skinny, tall, skyline filler. what more could you ask for! (well... better podium and fancier glass woulda been nice). but the scale is great. gonna be sweet seeing Murano and Burano (both equally tall) on either side of the canyon.
Just a nitpick, but Burano will be significantly taller than either Murano building:

Lumiere looks great in that shot too. We don't often see its south side, or its west side for that matter.
