It's small and hard to see any detail, but for what it's worth until something larger and clearer comes out:

Thanks for the post, Ed.

Hmm, not exactly the best rendering - or billboard in general.
I hope its a bad rendering and that the building is a bit more exciting then that! It just looks like another square box to me. So much for marketing...Burano is design...where?
Indeed. the Murano renderings look so much better than this. Wasn't this building a quadrangle?
Well, for one thing, it might still be. The forced perspective on most renderings makes them look like glass shards jutting out from the ground, when in reality, they're boxes. (B/A, anyone?) And then there's the impossibly luminescent magic cladding that rendering-makers love to put on their offerings, and the impossibly healthy magic trees (behold, the mighty Renderwood!) that line the sidewalks. What we'll get, of course, is a matte glass box with a bunch of scraggly Charlie Brown Christmas trees out front.

Murano can't possibly live up to its rendering. So if Burano wants to take a more understated approach to their rendering, then I for one am all for it.
Sir Novelty, hilarious. I have a couple of renderwood chairs that I'm very fond of.
"behold, the mighty Renderwood!"
lol, Sir Novely Fashion. Renderwood, indeed!
Burano (Bay & Grosvenor, Lanterra, 48s, aA)

Time to separate this thread from the Murano one?

Here's a shot of the mural on the north wall of the sales centre (and future site) of Burano. Note the exterior shot of the lobby by the right side of the photo:


There's a larger version here.

I'm surprised they've waited this long to move on the Burano seeing that both North and South tower had sold out (just about) some time ago.

This is the last time I'll comment on this but I also think that rendering looks rushed and lacking in style. I'm sure the building will look great however. And the name, damn I hate it so much. I understand why they chose it, Burano rhymes with Murano, both are located in the Venetian Lagoon and both produce glass but come on. They could have just as easily called it the Venetian.
If they called it "The Venetian" people would probably be expecting some terrible plaster arching PoMo gold and pink disaster, a la Las Vegas.
Or Woodbridge. I lost count of how many times I've been to the Venetian up in Vaughan for stags, weddings, etc. It's as bad as you would expect. Mind you, having an open bar helps...
