pics from August 3rd....condo sales centre installed....



Burano Sales

Any word on how sales have been? Any phases left or is the building sold out?
A sure way to find some information is to call the developer, sales agent or sales centre - regardless of what project it is.
Indeed, I agree.

I'm very familiar with this area, my first condo was a s/w corner unit at Opera Place facing Grovsner St. so I'm very familiar with this property having overlooked it as a dealership for so long. Today I was suddenly struck with how big a floorplate this building has now that most of it is one level above street. The photos above cannot illustrate this, so consider both phases of The Met together with a common base and you get the idea. This project is really huge.

Are they going to demolish then rebuild the dealership a la Bay/Adelade or somehow build around it?
These two Murano condos are being built on the former site of the Addison used car lot. The Burano condo is being built across the street incorporating the Addison dealership into the project. Here is the thread -
The Burano condo is being built across the street incorporating the Addison dealership into the project. Here is the thread -

Thanks for the speedy reply but my question was more about the construction of Burano and whether they will tear the whole lot down, dig a hole, then rebuild the old Cadillac dealership, or whether they will try to retain the historic structure and somehow build the foundations around that?
Or that classic in-between of trussing up the facade and building behind it (cf. BMO at Maritime Life). Otherwise, what could Burano do? Rip down the parking garage and that weird old nurses-residence apartment building Addison? (Whose replacement along the way *does* seem plausible.)

Strangely enough, I've been reflecting on how McLaughlin/Addison looks as if it were built in the 20s to accomodate additional future storeys--almost like a hypothetical Deco prototype to Dickinson's Continental Can a block away. (Indeed, I wonder if its form--and function, for that matter--inspired Dickinson's parking garage podium. Now, *there's* a bit of inspired architectural-history speculation.)
The previous four posts all make more sense as part of this thread, and not the Murano thread where they originated, so here they are...

Or that classic in-between of trussing up the facade and building behind it (cf. BMO at Maritime Life). Otherwise, what could Burano do? Rip down the parking garage and that weird old nurses-residence apartment building Addison? (Whose replacement along the way *does* seem plausible.)

The residence for weird old nurses is part of the Women's College Hosptal redevelopment site
Stuck my head in today and was told they wee 80% sold out. They gave me a small list of what was left and I managed to snap these pictures.

Terrific contribution, thanks andrew.
The position of the high rise within the existing structure is not how I had visualized it. Very interesting.
Predictable but very handsome tower. The preservation of the historic dealership as the base and grand entrance is a nice touch.

I wonder if Bay street will ever have a canyon feel with all these new towers going up... or will they be too spaced apart and set back on their dinky little sunlight-preserving podiums to ever achieve that feel?
impressive! I like the diagonal faces and off center position on the podium. I guess the floor plate is a rhombus shape?
