It's a shame about the window wall choices made here because the portions done in precast with the strong horizontals look sleek and clean.

Great shots @flavakid32 .
Also, a reminder how badly designed apartment neighbourhoods in the city used to be, looking at all the older buildings close by.
Great shots @flavakid32 .
Also, a reminder how badly designed apartment neighbourhoods in the city used to be, looking at all the older buildings close by.
What, towers in the park with large, wide long units that are way better than anything built after the early 2000s? Or the subway level density they provide? Or being the backbone of our remaining somewhat affordable rental stock? The negativity older towers sometimes attract is quite overblown.
What, towers in the park with large, wide long units that are way better than anything built after the early 2000s? Or the subway level density they provide? Or being the backbone of our remaining somewhat affordable rental stock? The negativity older towers sometimes attract is quite overblown.
If the rental companies like Medallion had kept them up over the years then you would have a point. Instead, they have allowed them to become a ghetto. Would it kill them to spruce up the exteriors a little bit so they aren’t such an eye sore? Even a paint job would do wonders on some of them. It’s just appalling that these greedy corporations have invested so little into these buildings (especially given the market rent they collect, and the rent isn’t even as low as many would assume).
If the rental companies like Medallion had kept them up over the years then you would have a point. Instead, they have allowed them to become a ghetto. Would it kill them to spruce up the exteriors a little bit so they aren’t such an eye sore? Even a paint job would do wonders on some of them. It’s just appalling that these greedy corporations have invested so little into these buildings (especially given the market rent they collect, and the rent isn’t even as low as many would assume).
No, you're changing the goal posts. Bad or good maintenance has nothing to do with whether a given building is a point tower or tower in the park.

Plenty of condo boards don't care to properly maintain their newer buildings (such buildings having defacto become the dominant rental supply since the 90s).

The claim that often seems to be made on this forum is that the tower in the park typology has inherent, fatal flows. I don't believe that to be true. Flaws yes because nothing is perfect; but far from fatal.
Medallion actually did paint all their towers a few years back, repaired all the concrete balconies and did a bunch of landscaping. Literally every single building in st james town has had their balconies replaced in the last few years or are in the process and now many of the towers are having brick work done.

Medallion though frustrating (lived in their buildings for 15 years now) have redone all the floors, painted the interiors, tore down the old connecting rooftop and then rebuilt rooftop amenities, planted trees etc. and also reopened game rooms, etc. in the towers here as well.
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No, you're changing the goal posts. Bad or good maintenance has nothing to do with whether a given building is a point tower or tower in the park.

Plenty of condo boards don't care to properly maintain their newer buildings (such buildings having defacto become the dominant rental supply since the 90s).

The claim that often seems to be made on this forum is that the tower in the park typology has inherent, fatal flows. I don't believe that to be true. Flaws yes because nothing is perfect; but far from fatal.
No, the buildings are fine, as are the units inside them (assuming proper. maintenance for both).
I'm referencing how they used to be built on oversized grass plots away from the connecting sidewalk, which I guess might be described as a suburban style ...
I'm perfectly aware of what's being referenced. The claim often being made is that typology (specifically the patches of grass between towers in the park) is fatally flawed. That claim is exaggerated.
