Toronto Parks and Rec,

PLEASE, pretty please with a cherry on top, maintain this lovely park properly.

Thanking you in advance,
A concerned resident with a sense of foreboding
Toronto Parks and Rec,

PLEASE, pretty please with a cherry on top, maintain this lovely park properly.

Thanking you in advance,
A concerned resident with a sense of foreboding

What's to maintain, it's not done yet? Parks & Rec. does a great job maintaining our parks so no worries when it's completed.
How are they not maintaining our parks well? Let's discuss over here
August 2

Some pictures from August 2:

Looking north up Dan Leckie Way. The east sidewalk has been fully paved now.

The space under the Gardiner at Dan Leckie Way. At one of the public meetings earlier this year, the Concord representative said they will be really sprucing this up before the opening in the fall:

The Southern Linear Park (I presume) has now been paved:

The park itself:

Trees looking good at the corner:

The aforementioned sidewalk along Dan Leckie Way:

Parade and Luna at the top:

The fish bobbers:
This is the photos from the park model at city place.

The cheapening I was referring to is the missing bridge on the right and left side of the park. I was looking forward to the short bridges. I think those would give it a "central park" feel. When I was in NYC at central park, they had bridges, paths for walking and running, benches to sit etc. I really liked the feel of walking under the bridges.

right side park

left side park. I wonder if they will add some stairs like shown on the left side of the image.
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I hear that there will be a completion ceremony for the park on Sept 9th. It would be nice to attend to see how the park will look completed.
Wow - comparing this tiny park (which i really like by the way) to all those other parks is a more than hyperbolic, it's absurd!!...and embarassing. Just another time when we keep trying to convince ourselves we're so great because we're "like" all these other cool places that have cool things. We need to stop it. Thanks for the park City of Toronto, but Cityplace needs to chill. Also the 09-09-09 thing has already been in tons of trailers for the awesome looking movie "9".
hmm, I just sort of feel embarrassed after watching that.

I've seen Central Park, Hyde Park and Golden Gate so far out of that list, soon to be added CityPlace Park, oh boy!
if it looked like the model park at city place, I think it would be competitive to some of the world's park. However, the park only looks like it in general shape. It's missing a lot of stuff to be complete. I don't know how they will finish in a month :O Unless it's like just any other park in the city.
I dont think its only design thats the issue in the comparison. Its scale mainly. all those other grand parks are many hundreds of acres if not more than a thousand acres. What do we have here? 7 - 8 acres?
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