This is nothing more than a small, raised portion of the lobby with a couple of chairs. I can't believe there are worries about extra fire escapes and wheelchair access.

It's not a worry, it's just an observation that it's unusual to see something built in today's city that doesn't have an accessible entrance.
Hmm. I think this is very debatable and I'm not sure a logical debate can be had here. (And if we do I invite you to start a new thread in general discussions).

For instance, how would one calculate the weight of not being able to use the pool in the monthly maintenance fees? Should it be a 1% discount or a 10% discount? Should everyone else pay 10% more than the disabled tenants to cover the costs of special equipment that only they'll be able to use?

What if my back goes out and suddenly I can't use the pool either? Or what if I break my leg and can't use it properly for a year or two. Do I qualify for a discount too? What if someone breaks into my unit, stabs me in the eyes and I lose my sight and then can't enjoy my view? What do I get then?

I'm all for equality and fairness... BELIEVE ME... but be careful not to throw logic, reality and fairness to everyone else out the window.

Great point Casa Guy, nicely written.
Hmm. I think this is very debatable and I'm not sure a logical debate can be had here. (And if we do I invite you to start a new thread in general discussions).

For instance, how would one calculate the weight of not being able to use the pool in the monthly maintenance fees? Should it be a 1% discount or a 10% discount? Should everyone else pay 10% more than the disabled tenants to cover the costs of special equipment that only they'll be able to use?

What if my back goes out and suddenly I can't use the pool either? Or what if I break my leg and can't use it properly for a year or two. Do I qualify for a discount too? What if someone breaks into my unit, stabs me in the eyes and I lose my sight and then can't enjoy my view? What do I get then?

I'm all for equality and fairness... BELIEVE ME... but be careful not to throw logic, reality and fairness to everyone else out the window.

OK casaguy I started a new thread in General Discussions.
July 26







Thanks for the pics. Looks like the hat is about to stand on its own.

I'm curious how they're going to treat the lobby ceiling where you can see up to the amenities level.
does anyone remember what was the price for the smallest unit in Casa (366 sq ft) when the project was launched? what is the market price per sq ft in this area today for a studio or 1 jr bedroom?
I'm not sure if this is the original selling price, but in March 2006 a studio suite at Casa (366 sq ft) started at $137,900.
I'm curious how they're going to treat the lobby ceiling where you can see up to the amenities level.

Me too. Isn't it some kind of glass in the scale model? That might not mean much, though, because the front glass appeared frameless in the model. I'm sure the lobby will be spectacular no matter what.
I went past tonight, too dark for cell phone pics.

But the glass framing looked to be fully complete across the whole lobby by the night. And the frame around where you would walk in looks more pentagon shaped rather than rectangle in the render. Also seeing the steel framing in person I was actually expecting it to come out a little farther to the sidewalk. In realty the lobby looks to be very very shallow...maybe only 15 feet deep?

Just on another topic...BSN is really growing on looked awful as a shell and once the cladding started going on...but it really does not look bad at all now. It's also funny what an extra 10 stories makes...I remember when the two buildings were equal height....BSN now looks miniature next to CASA...I can only imagine how small both of these woulda looked next to 1 Bloor had it been.
366 sq ft?? That is SCARY small!

True. But a purchaser would have made probably more than $60,000 by now (at least on paper).

Beginning half-way up the tower, those tiny units become two-storey units. This was not the original plan but I guess the tiny units weren't moving well.

Pics from this morning:


The "Hat" is now apparent. Some scaffolding sections have been removed. It doesn't look like the Hat extends out past the building itself as demonstrated in the drawings. Either way, if lit at night, the design should make an impact.
