hey ... then maybe that'll be casaguy's new PARTY ROOM !! ;)
It's more just for design and looks than for practicality. I do hope it's lit and painted in the same way as in that render though.
The fire code doesn't say that every single part of every single room has to have multiple accesses

It does seem strange to me that the only access is a set of stairs tho. I can't really think of anything built in the last 5-10 years (other than maybe the WaveDecks) that didn't also include some sort of accessibility plan like a ramp or an elevator or even a chair lift. I was under the impression that the Ontarions with Disabilities Act mandated that everything built be accessible to everyone. Looking at the Act now I can't see where it specifies that exactly, but I thought that was the issue that came up with respect to refurbishing the Uptown Theatre.
People... Really? Seriously?

This is nothing more than a small, raised portion of the lobby with a couple of chairs. I can't believe there are worries about extra fire escapes and wheelchair access.

Too funny.
The fire code doesn't say that every single part of every single room has to have multiple accesses

It does seem strange to me that the only access is a set of stairs tho. I can't really think of anything built in the last 5-10 years (other than maybe the WaveDecks) that didn't also include some sort of accessibility plan like a ramp or an elevator or even a chair lift. I was under the impression that the Ontarions with Disabilities Act mandated that everything built be accessible to everyone. Looking at the Act now I can't see where it specifies that exactly, but I thought that was the issue that came up with respect to refurbishing the Uptown Theatre.

Cinemas were closed because it was impossible to make them wheelchair accessible, or cost prohibitive yet apartment buildings don't have to comply which is where people live. I never understood that.
People... Really? Seriously?

This is nothing more than a small, raised portion of the lobby with a couple of chairs. I can't believe there are worries about extra fire escapes and wheelchair access.

Too funny.

Seniors or disabled people paid the same price as you and will pay the same maintenance fees as you, so why shouldn't they have access to the whole building
So then there should also be special electronic lifts to help anyone who might need it into the hot tub and pool? I don't remember all buildings having this.
^ In a perfect democratic building, yes. Why do you get preference because you're able bodied. If someone doesn't have access to the whole building then they should get a break on their maintenance fees. Why should they pay for the upkeep of the pool when they can't use it.
It's not an important enough feature of the building that it has to be accessible to all. Think of a night club that requires stairs to get to the top...there are no rules about that. A movie theatre is different because it has to allow people to get in...they don't have to make a special chair lift at the top of the theatre for someone disabled who also happens to be picky and sit in the back row.

I do though think it would have made sense that there would be a passage straight from the lounge to the 2nd floor elevators. Lets say you are meeting some friends who are hanging out there....you could take the elevator down and get off right there. But instead you will have to go to floor 1 and then walk up the stairs. This isn't a huge deal...but it just would have been very simple to make a passageway to the elevators since they will be located right behind that wall in the lounge.
^ Yes, I agree, it looks like you could easily punch a hole in one of those walls to make another exit. I never gave this subject much thought until this discussion but a disabled person should get breaks on their maintenance fees if they can't use all the amenities in a building. Sometimes it's cost prohibitive to provide handicap access and I believe there's an allowance for that in the current laws whereby a retail store isn't obligated to provide wheelchair access if the cost would be too much of a burden.
Why should they pay for the upkeep of the pool when they can't use it.

Hmm. I think this is very debatable and I'm not sure a logical debate can be had here. (And if we do I invite you to start a new thread in general discussions).

For instance, how would one calculate the weight of not being able to use the pool in the monthly maintenance fees? Should it be a 1% discount or a 10% discount? Should everyone else pay 10% more than the disabled tenants to cover the costs of special equipment that only they'll be able to use?

What if my back goes out and suddenly I can't use the pool either? Or what if I break my leg and can't use it properly for a year or two. Do I qualify for a discount too? What if someone breaks into my unit, stabs me in the eyes and I lose my sight and then can't enjoy my view? What do I get then?

I'm all for equality and fairness... BELIEVE ME... but be careful not to throw logic, reality and fairness to everyone else out the window.
This is an absolutely ridiculous discussion.

If you can't use a pool and don't want to contribute for the maintenance costs on it then don't buy into condo that has one. I don't like to be nasty on here but this is totally a dumb topic. Anybody that buys here knows what they're getting into. It would be one thing if the developer added something "new" that wasn't in the plans that you will never use that's gonna end up costing $50 a month...but this isn't the case. I'm not a swimmer but I bought here...and I think it's a cool feature to have and for my guests. How about next complaining that you have a lame personality and therefore don't have any friends and will never use the party room.

BTW...Im not saying anybody here has a lame personality if it sounded that way...I was just making an example of a stupid complaint one could make LOL. I could just picture going to the developer and making a case like that, would be pretty funny.
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This is an absolutely ridiculous discussion.

If you can't use a pool and don't want to contribute for the maintenance costs on it then don't buy into condo that has one. I don't like to be nasty on here but this is totally a dumb topic. Anybody that buys here knows what they're getting into. It would be one thing if the developer added something "new" that wasn't in the plans that you will never use that's gonna end up costing $50 a month...but this isn't the case. I'm not a swimmer but I bought here...and I think it's a cool feature to have and for my guests. How about next complaining that you have a lame personality and therefore don't have any friends and will never use the party room.

^My point exactly.

However, if anyone has any disabled guests who absolutely must get up to that raised portion of the lobby (which leads to no where) please call me and I'd be glad to help carry them up there.
