are we sure the balconies are 5 ft deep?

Absolutely. I prowled around the site a year and a half ago and measured. As well, my scale drawings, where 1/4 inch = 1 foot, clearly indicate 5 feet. And the glass railings and hardware appear to to be attached to the outer edge of the concrete slab. So you have the full 5 ft. depth on which to frolic.
Absolutely. I prowled around the site a year and a half ago and measured. As well, my scale drawings, where 1/4 inch = 1 foot, clearly indicate 5 feet. And the glass railings and hardware appear to to be attached to the outer edge of the concrete slab. So you have the full 5 ft. depth on which to frolic.

If I owned a unit at Casa I would only have 3 or 4 inches in which to frolic, as the clear glass balconies scare the crap out of me! I'd be plastered up against the wall of the unit.

I would still want to install Smart Glass on the railings. I wonder if they have an adhesive version of Smart Glass I could apply to the inside of my unit's balcony glass?

I would still want to install Smart Glass on the railings. I wonder if they have an adhesive version of Smart Glass I could apply to the inside of my unit's balcony glass?

Isn't smart glass the stuff that contains some gas that goes opague when a current is run through it? I'm not sure how an adhesive version would work as it would be quite heavy. In any case, I don't see a condo board approving any such "frosted" modifications to the balcony railings.
I think that the reaction of pepper79 is normal, may be even more people who bought in BSN feel the same way. Not that Casa is not nice, but they may hate it just because is right there, and makes BSN look even more ugly. If pepper made the right choice and bought across the street he wouldn't feel this way now.
I can't wait until the hat is finished and lit-up in the night. That gets me more excited than the outstanding lobby. I passed by the building on Charles the other day, and it really makes you stop in your tracks.
Since your unit is north facing and unfortunately faces BSN...and assuming pepper had enough sense to buy a south facing unit so that he actually has a nice building to look at and get some sunlight to prevent depression from living in such a drab will be able to run lenghts on your balcony while making silly faces at pepper while he's sitting out there on his cramped little balcony. Although he would probably be thinking he's a king in his little throne laughing to himself at the fact that you have too big of a balcony which is a negative because it has so much open space where people can see you on it. OR, maybe you need to take caution that he'd never use the balcony where he can be seen and look out for a unit with closed drapes that have a little opening with binoculars sticking out. :eek:

This forum is so biased, wow! I am allowed to hate Casa and love BSN and just because you disagree with me, does not mean you need to insult me. I am not going to stoop to your level as unlike you, I actually have facts, not just biased remarks. It is amazing how people make such uninformed decisions. Have you even visited either condo or stepped into the sales office? If you are going to make baseless arguments, go to another forum, otherwise can the moderator please ban this guy!!!!
I don't care what anyone says, the CASA lobby is an absolute stunner. To dismiss it while praising the sad monstrosity across the street is beyond my grasp.
I don't care what anyone says, the CASA lobby is an absolute stunner. To dismiss it while praising the sad monstrosity across the street is beyond my grasp.

You know, some people were raised to believe that being too show-offy is unbecoming - it's better to be discrete.
Well, I, for one, feel that it's too easy to overwork the "Casa rules, BSN drools" angle in addressing pepper79--after all, I, for one, am willing to allow for the possibility that the (to abuse a Venturi trope) "dumb and ordinary" aesthetic of BSN might actually "wear" better as a living environment in certain respects than the ultrasophisticatied sleek modern transparency of Casa. (Like, it isn't as if the postmodern critique of High Modernism didn't have a point--even if the likes of Tom Wolfe and Prince Charles beat the point to the pox-on-all-Modernist-houses ground.)

But the whole peril in my even articulating such a point in this thread is the possibility that pepper79's going to pounce on it like mad and wrap it around himself like a shawl. Look; the issue here isn't that pepper79 prefers BSN to Casa; it's that his grounds for such a preference are expressed in such an insufferably puerile and defensive fashion, and these lurches into "forum is so biased" and calls to the moderator are only driving him further into the fringe-annoyance category. And, to repeat, with friends like that, BSN doesn't need enemies--heck, even if I chose to live in BSN (and it isn't like I wouldn't; somehow, the inherent "democracy" of apartment/condo living manages to override the aesthetics of the package in a way that single-family-household living doesn't), I wouldn't want to live next door to a nutty pest like pepper79.

And as proof that it's all in the delivery and how it can so easily backfire on a person, I'm thinking back to this earlier "moderator's post"...

BTW, pepper, if I were you I would review my private messages very, very carefully.

Well, I, for one, feel that it's too easy to overwork the "Casa rules, BSN drools" angle in addressing pepper79--after all, I, for one, am willing to allow for the possibility that the (to abuse a Venturi trope) "dumb and ordinary" aesthetic of BSN might actually "wear" better as a living environment in certain respects than the ultrasophisticatied sleek modern transparency of Casa. (Like, it isn't as if the postmodern critique of High Modernism didn't have a point--even if the likes of Tom Wolfe and Prince Charles beat the point to the pox-on-all-Modernist-houses ground.)

But the whole peril in my even articulating such a point in this thread is the possibility that pepper79's going to pounce on it like mad and wrap it around himself like a shawl. Look; the issue here isn't that pepper79 prefers BSN to Casa; it's that his grounds for such a preference are expressed in such an insufferably puerile and defensive fashion, and these lurches into "forum is so biased" and calls to the moderator are only driving him further into the fringe-annoyance category. And, to repeat, with friends like that, BSN doesn't need enemies--heck, even if I chose to live in BSN (and it isn't like I wouldn't; somehow, the inherent "democracy" of apartment/condo living manages to override the aesthetics of the package in a way that single-family-household living doesn't), I wouldn't want to live next door to a nutty pest like pepper79.

And as proof that it's all in the delivery and how it can so easily backfire on a person, I'm thinking back to this earlier "moderator's post"...

I don't hate Casa, I just prefer BSN as I think it fits in better with the neighbourhood and I like that it is a bit more discreet than Casa which is a bit of a big glass eyesoar to me. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder as there obviously a few people on this forum that like big tall glass buildings. I just don't understand why people feel that I am an "idiot, moron, loon, insane..." and every other stupid label that people want to throw at me because I don't happen to like Casa. We live in a democracy, not a dictatorship and I am allowed to have freedom of speech to express my opinion and should not be lambasted every time someone's feelings get hurt when I share my opinion of Casa. At the end of the day, BSN and Casa appeal to different segments of the market and both are going to make Charles Street East a great place to live and both are going to have outstanding resale value as Yorkville East continues to develop. Rather than keep on fighting about this, how about we all just agree that we are fortunate to not have bought into 1 Bloor East :)
