I received a letter in the mail about Bell offering a TV, phone and internet package to CASA residents. Make sure you read the fine print on the back of the letter if you are offered the same deal. I ordered my Rogers package today and they offered the same 3 months free, but you have to ask for it or it won't be offered. I'm not sure if CASA has worked out a bulk deal with either company but I will find out. By the way, Rogers is not available in the building (or at least the upper floors) until February 14th.

I am already living in CASA and have been told that there will not be any condo package for cable...their reason is that they do not want to force residents into using one provider. Also, if you get bell right now it's not going to work. I have been told that they are making arrangements with bell to have one sattelite on the roof but it will likely take a couple months. As for rogers, mine works...so I'm not sure why it wouldn't work on all floors, must be a reason due to construction or something.

As for areas to develop. I don't think that park is going to go anywhere, due to the subway and because I beleive it's pretty narrow (then again they built a big tower in a narrow spot in the form of Crystal Blu). It would be very problematic if the public lot at Charles and Yonge ever went. There is already no guest parking in CASA (which I seemed to think there was going to be as stated in the original parking which would be shared with government parking and available evenings and weekends). I'm not sure about BSN but wait until both buildings are complete and fully occupied and people want to have visitors...that will be a serious problem if there's no green P. I think that green P defenitely does have to go though as it occupies tremendous real estate and is a good size. It work great in the form of the manulife center if they built it with lots of below grade parking and then retail space inside on the lower floors with condos up top. I suspect though that the subway is probably right beneath and would make this impossible.
That is very cool (and rare) that the developer didn't sign a contract and lock-in with one television provider to get the per suite payout that the provider offers as incentive. When the dish is up you'll be able to choose from Bell ExpressVu, Rogers or Bell for Condos, whomever you can negotiate a better package deal with along with land line, cellular and Internet.

I've already moved into Casa (11th floor) and am currently using Bell Entertainment (iptv) for internet/satellite.

What does the satelliete have to do with this? Unless you want to go with Bell Expressvu instead of Bell Entertainment.

There was a 50% off for an entire year if you ordered before the new year. If you call you may still be able to get in on it.
I've already moved into Casa (11th floor) and am currently using Bell Entertainment (iptv) for internet/satellite.

What does the satelliete have to do with this? Unless you want to go with Bell Expressvu instead of Bell Entertainment.

There was a 50% off for an entire year if you ordered before the new year. If you call you may still be able to get in on it.

Yea, I have no idea why anyone would want satellite or even cable when they can get BES.

How long did it take to install?
There's also that above ground parking garage that the city might eventually sell-off for redevelopment, and if demand warrants I could also see the YMCA and Canada Post buildings going. Sanctuary is also in a bit of a weird spot now; their land value has probably skyrocketed, so much so that it might be worth it for them to sell off the land and use the money to get a cheaper place somewhere else

I have heard that YMCA is looking to sell that building and move to a cheaper location, it will be interesting to see who will buy it though. It would also be ince to see that Canada Post building move and to have the Sanctuary relocate as it no longer fits in with the neighbourhood.
That is very cool (and rare) that the developer didn't sign a contract and lock-in with one television provider to get the per suite payout that the provider offers as incentive. When the dish is up you'll be able to choose from Bell ExpressVu, Rogers or Bell for Condos, whomever you can negotiate a better package deal with along with land line, cellular and Internet.

I couldn't live without Rogers on Demand and TMN on Demand so I'll be sticking with Rogers.

The Bell deal wasn't much of a deal. I can never understand why they don't "WOW" people with a much better offer to take the business away from the competition rather than give me about the same price.
I couldn't live without Rogers on Demand and TMN on Demand so I'll be sticking with Rogers.

The Bell deal wasn't much of a deal. I can never understand why they don't "WOW" people with a much better offer to take the business away from the competition rather than give me about the same price.

I don't know how many times I have to post this, but Bells Entertainment Service is so much better than anything Rogers has to offer.

Yea, I have no idea why anyone would want satellite or even cable when they can get BES.

Does BES offer high definition? Bell ExpresVu does however the consensus on the Canadian Home Theatre forums is that the quality of Rogers high definition channels exceeds that of Bell ExpressVu.
Does BES offer high definition? Bell ExpresVu does however the consensus on the Canadian Home Theatre forums is that the quality of Rogers high definition channels exceeds that of Bell ExpressVu.

This isn't really the purpose of this thread but one last comment. I found out your internet speed is affected when you watch TV and worse with 2 TVs on. You can only have a maximum of 2 TVs and the signal comes to you by twisted pair copper (fibre node is on the street). Bell only guarantees 3 mbit download speed while Rogers is typically 10 mbits. There is no way it can be better than Rogers but I'm sure it is more cost effective.
I have heard that YMCA is looking to sell that building and move to a cheaper location, it will be interesting to see who will buy it though. It would also be ince to see that Canada Post building move and to have the Sanctuary relocate as it no longer fits in with the neighbourhood.

Because of its size, I can see the Y as a condo conversion rather than a demolition.

And as for Sanctuary: I find it benign, and as long as Yonge St maintains its magnetism for street-youth types, it'll "fit in"...
Because of its size, I can see the Y as a condo conversion rather than a demolition....

They tried that many years ago. If memory serves, after CTV moved out, the building was vacant for a while in the early '90's and I remember a large billboard with an artist's render on it. It depicted that building as a condo conversion and I believe they even had a sales center located on the premises.
Because of its size, I can see the Y as a condo conversion rather than a demolition..

it's probably more cost effective to demolish and construct new ... less problems with retro-fits, etc.

also, one could take advantage of the height limits available in the area now.
