
I would assume that when the building is completed and open, the property management will clean up the graffiti. But again, I would shed no tears if someone caught tagging gets the book thrown at them. So sick of seeing this garbage and knowing that these guys are just assholes with no respect for their surroundings.
If I had control over a message board, I'd set it up so that anytime someone typed 'LOL' it would automatically display as 'I am laughing out loud!' and so forth. Only then will people realize how stupid they sound.
If I had control over a message board, I'd set it up so that anytime someone typed 'LOL' it would automatically display as 'I am laughing out loud!' and so forth. Only then will people realize how stupid they sound.


Good one ;)
If I had control over a message board, I'd set it up so that anytime someone typed 'LOL' it would automatically display as 'I am laughing out loud!' and so forth. Only then will people realize how stupid they sound.

When I first got into the internet I felt the same as you. I was offended that people didn't express themselves with all the flourish and colour the vast vocabulary of the English language affords. Then I realized that meanings and intentions are often misconstrued, because without the spoken inflection, words may be interpreted with completely different connotations. More often than not, to the negative detriment of the reader.

Because we use posts in a forum as a written "conversation" and not like a letter to someone or an essay, the messages are conversational, but lacking the inflection necessary for the words to be universally interpreted.

The abbreviations employed by texters or bloggers and the like, actually add the context back into the author's original intention. As do the emoticons or happy faces they use. They tell the reader how the original text was intended without a wordy paragraph following each statement.

For example, sarcasm is very difficult to express in words without a vocal inflection, yet it is THE most often used and misunderstood posts in the forums. Many an argument could have been avoided had the original poster used an "LOL" or a :rolleyes: to clarify his meaning.

^^^ Furthermore, all that verbose crap is what you would get, if everyone explained themselves without abbreviations.
Ramako, There is nothing childish about "LOL" on a message board. If you think it's meaning is "I am laughing out loud" then you're way behind the times, good sir.

Words' meanings change over time and in different contexts. LOL is a generalized response, it can signify approval or being humoured, etc. etc.
Sometimes I type "I just fell off my chair" if I think something is absolutely hilarious and I do laugh outloud. But I don't think that grafitti defacing my place of residence is hilarious.
My take on my words

Beautiful new, modern, progressively designed condo in rapidly gentrifying but still slightly grungy area opens it's doors and within weeks the little neighborhood rascals manage to deface it. Some things never change. A newly house trained trained puppy poops all over your living room rug. Lipstick on a pig. LOL. :)

If you could expunge the BR to a Red Light District many of these problems would vanish...
Ramako, There is nothing childish about "LOL" on a message board. If you think it's meaning is "I am laughing out loud" then you're way behind the times, good sir.

Words' meanings change over time and in different contexts. LOL is a generalized response, it can signify approval or being humoured, etc. etc.

Thanks, I understand how 'LOL' is used on the internets. You're right, it's meaning has changed... I more often see it used sardonically to imitate and insult noobs who constantly overuse emoticons and LOL-speak. If you want to talk about being behind the times, the only people I know who still use 'LOL' regularly are either 14 or over 35. I didn't mean to start a debate about linguistics... I did it for the lulz.
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Thanks, I understand how 'LOL' is used on the internets. You're right, it's meaning has changed... I more often see it used sardonically to imitate and insult noobs who constantly overuse emoticons and LOL-speak. If you want to talk about being behind the times, the only people I know who still use 'LOL' regularly are either 14 or over 35.

lol :p

More internet terms:

PDI Pics

I had my PDI today for a Foglia unit in the 30's. Interim closing still scheduled for Jan 27th...crossing my fingers there will be no last minute letters from Cresford in my mailbox about a delay.

I wasn't sure which thread I should post them to but I think they're more appropriate for the Casa Real Estate Thread seeing as they are only shots of the inside of the condo and not about the building architecture itself.

If I had control over a message board, I'd set it up so that anytime someone typed 'LOL' it would automatically display as 'I am laughing out loud!' and so forth. Only then will people realize how stupid they sound.

You're quite generous in my books. If I had control, all instances of "LOL" would be displayed as "I am a boorish idiot giggling like a schoolgirl".

Regarding the graffiti, I am also less generous than some. Rather than throw the book at them, I'd rather throw graffiti taggers of a bridge or some other high elevation. Petty crime, especially the defacement of others' property, really agitates me.

But then again, I have been told that I am a little harsh sometimes.... LOL!
Energy efficiency

Verve was just certified LEED Gold making it one of the most energy efficient condos in the city. And yes, I live there. Not an architectural jewel, I know, but in other ways, like environmental standards, quite a success.

Let's hope that future buildings can marry architectural skill with environmental responsibility.

I think a rule of thumb is that LEED buildings use 35 % less energy to heat. Apart from the obvious environmental advantage, condo owners will save money. Two developers stand out for doing the right thing (even though they could probably produce cheaper buildings which could still sell): Minto and Tridel.

Note that Great Gulf's Safde condo at Queen's Quay and Sherbourne will be LEED. I wonder if Number One Bloor will be..?
