Somehow, that last post combined w/the OT acronym-knocking that preceded it made me wonder if LEED was some kind of cutesy acronym, too--"laughing every effing day", or something...

But, seriously.
Jan. 16th Update

From my POV, last night at 1am & today at 4pm

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Sweet updates again!

I love that huge cluster of skyscrapers!... Building up some serious density/height in yorkville! :)
Casa Condominium day & night.

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HA! thats epic ^^^

FAIL!: the building isn't even complete yet and people are treating it like a public dump site!
It's winter, a lot of properties aren't cleaned up as often during this season plus the shortage of garbage recepticals downtown (I don't know about elsewhere) certainly isn't helping.
That's the shelter side of the building as well, which probably isn't helping. Probably best for Casa to just let that area grow in with dense shrubbery
Once I move in in a few weeks, I'll periodically pick up the litter out front myself! I swear! I detest litter!

Please wear gloves. Don't want to be handling dirty needles and used condoms with bare hands. Just sayin'.
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