Casa Condominium Progress, July 5, 2008

Still working on the 5th and 6th floors. You can also see how they'll be extending the concrete for the lobby floor further out towards Charles Street.

And here's the brick that will cover the back and sides of CASA's podium. It has turned out to be more of a black/grey than a green/brown. (Although, as you can see, the colour seems to shift depending on the type of light hitting it -- a couple of the shots were with the flash -- either way I think it's gonna look awesome).

Thanks, Casaguy for all your awesome updates and photos. I've been quietly monitoring this site for what seems like ages, and finally decided to get myself a user name so I could say thanks. I may be just as excited as you about this project, having purchased a Foglia on the highest available floor back in June '06.
Well Newbie and Casaguy, I'm a 'Foglia' purchaser on a higher floor here also, so I think we all have much in common. One thing I wanted to ask: since the BSN across the street will now be 32 floors will it obstruct the view from a Foglia unit on a similar CASA floor? I'm under the impression BSN has only 8 foot ceilings.
Thanks Redroom and User Name for the kind words. Witnessing all that goes into making this tower rise is quite fascinating. It will only get more interesting from here.

And welcome Archetype! Wow, it feels like a SixtyLoft reunion here!

I doubt BSN will block any meaningful view as it will be off to the northeast. The western view will be amazing and the cluster of towers (including 1 Bloor) directly north will only add to the dramatic picture through our northern windows. I have a good feeling that us "Foglia" buyers have made a very good buy. (As well as all of our other 400+ CASA neighbours).
I agree with Casaguy. Nearby towers will add intersting perspective to our view, giving it more of a Gotham quality. The top section of BSN is relatively narrow (especially in relation to the building's base), and it sits to the north northeast of your unit. So even if it's level with or higher than your unit, I wouldn't be concerned. I'm very much looking forward to my big-city view, with Uptown and Crystal Blue off to the west northwest, and 1 Bloor East (eventually) to the northwest.
Thanks for the encouraging words re: the 'Foglia' other concerns at this point are a) the lockers - I was told at the time of purchasing that they would go on sale later, and that I would be given priority as a 2-bedroom purchaser; of course they gave me nothing in writing b) the upgrades. I want to get the higher gloss kitchen cabinets, but can't afford 17,000 for a cosmetic improvement such as this...and the standard stucco ceiling needs $6,000 (estimate) to be smooth - again, too much, so I've asked about going with sealed concrete ceilings for a lofty look, but got no answer yet c) the width of the wrap-around balcony in the model suite was 5 feet (I took pictures), but the floor plan shows only a total area of 237 for the foglias (which, based on the length of the suite's perimeter would make the actual witdh closer to 4 feet. The sales person on site about 18 months ago told me they would be closer to 4 feet wide, which made me furious due to the model suite depiction of 5 feet, but I calmed down when Cresford representatives confirmed 5 feet. This however, means that the actual square footage for the wraparounds should be more than 237 square feet as indicated on the floor plans.....sorry for the long post :)
I didn't buy a locker either. It seems like such a minor thing to worry about. I figure if I don't get one then that will just force me to throw out a bunch of crap I don't really need any more. (Although it would be good to store things like winter tires). I'm sure we'll all have an opportunity to purchase one (or even share one).

And you shouldn't ever trust anything anyone from Cresford tells you unless it is in writing -- and even then I wouldn't be too sure.

I too was skeptical about the depth of the balconies but resigned myself to the fact that in this country we as purchasers have zero rights.

In a couple of weeks we will be able to see with our own eyes how wide the balconies are once level 6 starts to take better shape.
At the "open house" to kick of the finish selections last month, representative from both the builder and the architect assured me that the balconies would be 5 feet wide. Despite my attempts to "manage my expectations" by letting them know that I actually expect the balconies to more like 4 or 4.5 feet wide, they both reassured me that they would be 5 feet. So it will be interesting to see. I'm a bit worried about lockers too, since the Foglia isn't exactly long on closet space.
At the "open house" to kick of the finish selections last month, representative from both the builder and the architect assured me that the balconies would be 5 feet wide. Despite my attempts to "manage my expectations" by letting them know that I actually expect the balconies to more like 4 or 4.5 feet wide, they both reassured me that they would be 5 feet. So it will be interesting to see. I'm a bit worried about lockers too, since the Foglia isn't exactly long on closet space.

Just recently I was wondering about the balcony widths so I did some basic math. I took the sq. footage of a couple of the balconies, added up the total width of the unit and started banging away at the calculator. I got a little over four feet, but reading here that they are five feet is great news. Long wrap around balconies that are five feet deep make for really good, usable sized outdoor spaces.
At the "open house" to kick of the finish selections last month, representative from both the builder and the architect assured me that the balconies would be 5 feet wide. Despite my attempts to "manage my expectations" by letting them know that I actually expect the balconies to more like 4 or 4.5 feet wide, they both reassured me that they would be 5 feet. So it will be interesting to see. I'm a bit worried about lockers too, since the Foglia isn't exactly long on closet space.

I wasn't able to make it to the open house. What was the turn out like? It's great that both the developer and architect were there. What was the general theme of concerns from buyers? How did the company reps behave with the customers?
I wasn't able to make it to the open house. What was the turn out like? It's great that both the developer and architect were there. What was the general theme of concerns from buyers? How did the company reps behave with the customers?

Turn out was good, which made it quite crowded and hot. Food was good. It was very nice to hear from representatives from both Cresford and architectsAlliance, and both seemed very enthusiastic about the project. Crayon Design was also represented, and walked us through the finish / upgrade selection process. They did a good job of not "over-promising" which has helped me to manage my expectations. Creford's reps were young and approachable. I think it was the construction manager and the rep from architectsAlliance who assured me the balconies would be a full 5 feet wide - like the show suite. It was also nice to learn the Jerry from the original sales office and show suite is now a Cresford employee. I quite like him, and based on my dealings with him, I feel that he's very trustworthy. Nice to have a contact at Cresford I know and trust. All in all a positive experience for me, although I didn't stay too long because it was too hot and crowded.
That's good to hear that the Cresford people are friendly and approachable, but never assume anything a developer says to be trustworthy. Going forward, make sure that everything you request to be done is completed through your real estate lawyer in writing and approved by the developer's agent.

Walking by today I noticed that the tower is visibly beginning to rise from the podium. Some of us will be watching this one with much excitement and anticipation.
Just recently I was wondering about the balcony widths so I did some basic math.

I've also questioned this from time to time. In the slick brochure for the building a lot of their math doesn't quite add up. It's hard to tell exactly from what point they're measuring.

Maybe once level 6 is done we can send Tomms on a mission for us.
